12 1 1

"How did it start?" I asked him.

"With the Big Bang" he said, looking into my eyes. 

"Idiot" I told him.

"I love you too" he said. What did just happen? I asked myself. He told you he loves you, dummie; my heart replied.

"I mean, between us. I hated you, you hated me" I told him.

"Yeah, you're right. But you know what they say, From hatred to love..." he started.

"There's only one step" I finished and he nodded. I stared at our tangled fingers. How did it started? I really don't have a freakin' idea. 

I stared at the sky-like ceiling as I remembered. How did we get here? I tried to make up a story. A story that we could tell anyone and they'd think we are, in a crooked way, the luckiest in the world. How did I get to love him? I remember that we hated each other. It was hatred at first sight. When I first looked at him, I just wanted to puhnch him in the gut. I wanted to yell at him. How could he walk in here in such a calmed way, altering the natural order that was so tough to mantain. 

I sighted. He was so calm. His eyes were closed but his eyelids were shaking, so he wasn't asleep. I hate him so much. He makes me feel. He makes my emotions show up. I try to remain cold, but with him, it's just so difficult.

And I loved him. I love him because he doesn't care that I hate him. He doen't care that we aren't meant for each other. He doesnt care about anything but us. He is happy and so am I. We are happy. We are happy to be devils in a world of angels, happy to be lunatics, happy to be madly and crazily in love. Happy to see things others can't see.


We are happy.

Happy to be freakshows.

Happy to be alone here.

Just us for company.

And we are sad.

Yeah, we are sad. He is sad of the ife he doesn't have, he is sad because he had that life. He is sad because he regrets his choices, he regrets me. And I am sad. I am sad because I know I feel the same. I am sad because if they'd give me the choice of going back and not meeting him, I would take it without a second hint. I would be alone, but I would be normal. I wouldn't know I am a devil in a world of angels. I wouldn't be a lunatic, I wouldn't know what's it to be in love. And I wouldn't see things others cannot. 


I am happy.

Happy to be a freakshow.

Happy to be alone here,

Just him for company.

And I am sad.

Sad to be a freakshow.

Sad to be alone here.

Just him for company. 

But I am exited too.

Exited because I am different.

Because I know what I am,

And I know what I'm not.

I'm not normal. 

I am,


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2015 ⏰

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