When I First Saw It

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When I First Saw It. (Working Title - Suggestions welcome ;D)

Chapter 1 -

The first time I saw those green eyes, my breath caught. It was a year ago. They had drifted the smallest inch closer before hesitating. Waiting. I had had an urge - an urge to climb out of my bedroom window, and approach it. There was another part of me that told me to stay the hell away from it; to beware. Because whatever it belonged to...was dangerous.

There was a startling knock on my door. I'd jumped, but I didn't take my eyes away from those green irises drifting in and out of sight every time they moved.

"Gooo to beddddd! You have schoooool tomorroooow." My step-mother's voice had slurred from behind the door. She was drunk. Again.

I didn't want to take my gaze away from those eyes, knowing that as soon as I looked away, the eyes would disappear. Reluctantly though, I tore my gaze away. I'd turned around to answer my step-mum. "I'm going to bed now."

Through the door, I'd heard her swigging another bottle of cheap wine, probably stolen by her jerk of a boyfriend. Wait, what was his name again? Johnny? Johnson? My step-mother had gone through so many relationships after my dad died, - with men that would sometimes be as young as half her age - that I couldn't even keep up with the guys that she was dating.

A hard thud against my wall from the outside had brought me back to reality. I heard my step-mother's heavy footsteps and grinding of the wine bottle against our narrow hall walls when she tripped against it.

"Lousy step-daughter." That was the last thing I heard her mutter before stumbling away, probably going out of the house for yet another night. She didn't even care if I'd heard.

I'd shook off what she'd said. I'd received much worse from her. Both mentally and physically. Sighing, I'd looked out the window one more time, hoping for a glimpse of those intriguing eyes just one more time. But, as much as I knew it, they wouldn't appear. For all I know, it could have been my imagination from the beginning.

I sat on my bed, staring absentmindedly outside. After a few minutes, I gave up. I took my glasses off and placed them gently on the bedside table. You're probably thinking that I have short-sightedness but nope, I have the opposite. Long-sightedness. Well, sort of. Since I was small, whenever I tried to look at something close, my eyes would hurt after a while. I could see far and clearly too, but couldn't nearly everyone? As I got older, my eyes became better and I could see close things for longer before my eyes started to ache.

Eventually, I yawned. Twisting my body so that I could lie down on my bed, I reached over to my lamp. I clicked the switch and fell back against the covers. Within minutes, my mind let over and that familiar unconsciousness washed over me.


"Hey, Isyss!" I heard a familiar voice calling for my attention. "Yooohooo?!"

I blinked, and shook my head out. "Ohhh, hey, Shanon."

"Woww, girl, what's wrong with you? You've been like, totally out of it the whole morning since you came to school. Oh my god, don't tell me it's that hag of a step-mother again."

I raised an eyebrow. "Nope, not this time. It's something else."

"Do...I get to know?" Shanon asked curiously.

I smiled, but shook my head. "Nope, I don't even get it myself."

"OH EM GEE, don't tell me its guy problems? C'mon, whoever is harassing you again; I will gladly throw against a brick wall and mess up their face. Eheheh." My best friend growled, pretending to act all tough.

I laughed. "Shaney, you look like a retard doing that."

"HEY!" She mocked punched me in the arm. "I take offence in that!"

I poked my tongue out. Shanon raised her arm to punch me when abruptly she stopped, and stared over my shoulders with disbelieving eyes and a hung mouth.

"What....." I asked cautiously. When her cheeks grew a dark red, I turned around. The books I carried in my arms were clutched tighter against my chest as I saw who it was who had made his grand entrance into the corridor.

"Forrest. Looks. So. Shmexy. Oh em gee" Shanon murmured, her eyes glazing over with lust.

I could only nod. My books pressing my chest even more.

He was striding in on his long legs, casually talking to his friends without what seemed like a care in the world. When he turned his head, his dark brown fringe fell over green eyes.

This guy was my and probably every girl in this school's crush. He was hot, mysterious and his name was Forrest Pargrove.

Forrest turned away from his friends to wink at a couple of chattering girls at their lockers. Their cheeks flushed as he acknowledged them and they all swooned amongst themselves.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention he was the school's biggest player.

Not that that stopped girls (even some guys....) from going after him. Unlike the other girls though, I knew that I didn't have a chance with him. According to those social ladders that appeared in every single book I had read, I was virtually a sitter. The one at the bottom. Forrest, on the other hand, was top. He was smart, athletic, hot. Exactly, what girls went for. So, me liking him, wasn't really a big surprise. But thing that struck me, was that I felt like I had a connection with him. And I know, it sounded stupid and cliché but, yeah, I felt something that wasn't to do with love or liking him at all, but more something with my mind.

Forget it, I'm probably on drugs.


HOLY CRABS, I just wrote another story. I just had these amazing ideas about a new story and I was like WAM, I am so getting this all out on Word. It's going to include some fantasy/supernatural but I swear, it's NOT going to be vampires and all that Twilight stuff.

Well, this starting chapter is sort of drab and unfabulous BUT I promiiiiseee, it'll get better! [: Right now, I'm just trying to get the characters sorted out and build up the climax, and NO, it's not going to be all about Forrest. He's going to disappear for a while in some chapters although he will still be in it, just not as what you expect since something happens to him. ;]


And by the way, Isyss is a girl....and as much solemn as she seems in the story; I want her character to be you know, all high and stuff. Because that's what I am, and writing a story all serious gets extremely boring for me and I lose all the motivation. ;D

ANYWHOS, VOTE AND COMMENT? (Lol, I never got many in my other story 'Was This All Fate?' - you should read it [: Even though it's not even close to finishing.)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2011 ⏰

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