Tug of War

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Who let the dogs out?


Who let the dogs out?

I groan and turn to my right clicking off the small annoying clock next to me, I then search my night stand for my phone. After a minute of searching I finally feel the plastic case of my iPhone 5, I unlock the screen and turn off that alarm too. To make sure I was fully awake I rolled out of bed knowing that if not I would go back to sleep and my Aunt would be pissed. My bare feet soon hit the cool hard wood floor making me shiver.

I shuffle past my vanity only getting a quick glimpse of myself, my long brown hair was all tattered and set in a mess while my brown eyes where dull and tired. I open up my closet and grab a pair of blue washed skinny jeans and a cute navy blue shirt. I then walk into my bathroom turning on the shower while slowly stripping out of my pajamas.

I soon hop into the warm shower making sure it was the right temperature and soak my hair. I massage strawberry shampoo and conditioner through it and rinse it all out. Once I finished with my body and shaved my legs I turned off the water and slowly climbed out. I grabbed a white fluffy towel from the rack and wrap it around my body while the other in my hair.

I dry myself off and grab my underwear slipping them on and soon with the rest of my clothes. I then hang up that towel while taking the other out and hanging it up. I grab my hair brush and work it through my hair until all the knots are out. I then grab my light blue blower dryer and dry it on full blast the hot air hitting my face and hair, once done I put on some light makeup. Mostly of just some concealer, blush, and some eye stuff, I didn't need to much I felt like I was pretty already.

"Come on Mia your going to be late for school!" my Aunt Jacky yells, I grab my bag and a pair of Toms and run down the stairs. My Aunt Jacky standing there a smirk on her face light brown hair set high up in a pony tail while she had on her normal buisness outfit for work.

"I won't be late!" I tell her as I run into the kitchen grabbing a banana. I run past her and am about to leave when I hear her clear her throat.

"Aren't you missing something?" she questions. I swiftly pat my pockets and look at her.

"No..." I reply. She smirks again while raising her eyebrow and holding out my car keys. That's when relization hits me. How could I forget my keys!!!

"Thanks!" I smile greatfully at her while taking them and running out to my old beat up bug. The cream paint was chipping and probably didn't look the nicest but it was a car. Which most kids in this small town don't have so I guess I should be lucky I do.

The sun was peaking slightly out of the light soft clouds making it a cool sixty degrees in Jackson, Oregon. We're right on the border of being in Washington but aren't, no one really knows about us only when you know your moving and pass by those signs. That say six more miles till whatever, that's how it is for us I mean we're soo far off sometimes coming from the city I miss the turn off.

Only about a thousand people live here mostly the small families that have been here for a while. Like mine. Small famliy owned shops lined the road with different products, usually kids that live here never leave. Either are to afraid or don't have enough money...hopefully though I won't be one of those people. Sure I love it here. How it's so quiet and peaceful like and how everyone knows each other.

But at the same time I want to experience life. Like go to Paris it's always been a dream of mine to go to Paris and London. Oh how amazing that would be. But only being seventeen and not turning eighteen for a while it's hard to reach that dream. And not only that but I have college to look forward too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2013 ⏰

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