Chapter 1

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Toni POV

"What up guys" I yell across the hall to Martha, Fatin,Leah and dot.
"Toni why are you always so loud in the morning" Dot says as the get closer to them
"Okay no need to be rude"

Today was gonna be a long day. I had the worst classes today including English which I absolutely hate and not even because of the subject because Shelby is in it. Not only that I have 2 hours of basketball games right after school. Basically I'm not gonna have any time to nap or really do anything today.

"Are you guys down for a party at my place after Toni wins her games today" fatin  says

"Hell yeah"Leah reply

"Let's do it why not" I pitch in

" all of you just sleep over, we can have a giant house sleepover" fatin yells enthusiastically

"Okay this is my cue to leave" I yell while running to get into my English class on time

As I walked into the room I noticed Shelby wasn't sitting down at our assign desk together instead she was sitting on her boyfriends lap discussing who knows what as he caressed her leg. It was a disgusting sight. She sat like that for a good 3 more minutes until the bell rung and she finally got up.

"Good morning Toni" she said in her thick southern accent as she approached our desk

I stayed quiet because I knew it would annoy her. She just scoffed and sat down next to me. While all this was happening I failed to notice she was wearing her cheerleading uniform. I totally forgot she had to cheer at the first basketball game of the year tonight.
I'm not gonna lie I might not like Shelby at all but the site of her in that uniform is something of gods work. She is incredibly hot. My thought were interrupted when Shelby lightly touched my arm which sent goosebumps up my back

"Toni I've been asking you a question" she said with a hand still on my arm.
"What Shelby" I said aggressively smacking her hand away
" are you excited for your basketball game, that's all I was asking"
"As excited as I could ever be" I said sarcastically
" Toni I literally just asked a question I didn't want you to give me attitude" she said for a second it sounded like their was a tone of sadness in her voice. I felt slightly bad, but choose not to say anything else
" are you going to Fatins big sleepover party tonight after your games"

"Yeah" I replied " as long as your not" I continued
"I don't know if I'm going or not so I guess you will have to wait and see" she said with a smirk on her face. What the fuck, why was that so hot. I need to get out of this class and clear myself of Shelby.
Luckily class kind of flew by today because before I knew it the bell rung and I basically ran out of the class. The only class I had left today was math then lunch. The rest of the day went by pretty quickly, the whole school was so excited about the games tonight also what was to come at fatins.

" are you driving me home" I ask Martha when I found her outside of the school
"Do you need me to I was gonna go get food with a friend" she said
"Which friend" I questioned
"Just Shelby"
"Ha since when do you hang with her"
"Since she asked me to today. We are friends, we talk all the time"
"Okay have fun then I'll just walk home, see you later" I said mopping away from her
Why would Martha want to hang out with Shelby. Shelby is annoying and mean. What is their to like about her besides the fact she is hot. Luckily I only
Lived 3 mins from the school so walking was pretty easy. When I got home I showered and I had to get ready and dressed for my game, which would be taking place in about 3 hours. I got my basketball uniform on. Then I started packing for Fatins party which I would probably be going to right after the game. I packed a bunch of different clothing options just so I had extra clothing to change into.

"Toni, are you in their" I heard my mom yell
"Yes Mom sorry I'm getting ready for my game" I said through the door
" it's fine, me and dad won't be able to make it tonight because of work I'm sorry honey" of course they wouldn't be able to make it they make it to nothing
"It's fine their will always be more.after the game tonight I'm having a sleepover at Fatins"
"Okay be good no fights or anything"she said still speaking through the door. After I heard her move away to a different part of the house. I grabbed my vodka gummies from my hiding spot and shoved them into my bag. After a while of just scrolling on my phone I finally decided I was ready to leave and called Martha to let her know
"Marty can you take me to the school now" I said once she picked up
"I'm still out eating,but I'll come get you"she said and I could make out Shelbys voice say something in the background but I couldn't figure out what she said
"Okay Marty I'll be waiting"
"Okay be their soon"She said then hung up the phone
It didn't take Marty to long to show up. I ran out to her car only to see a certain blonde sitting in Marty's front seat. I slowly walked around to the seat behind Shelby and got into the car.

"Hi Toni, Shelby wanted to come to pick you up with me"
"Great" I said slipping my head phones into my ears
And blasting my music so I couldn't hear Martha and Shelby giggling and talking to one another. The trip to the school felt like 3 hours but eventually we got their. I jumped out of the back seat and Marty and Shelby got out of the front. I speed walked into the school leaving them behind me to talk. I'm not jealous of Shelby I just don't want to hear her annoying voice talking to my best friend. When I got into the gym a crowd was already forming, everyone in the school was going crazy for this game. A lot of my team was already their doing a few warm up drills so I put my shoes on and jumped right in getting my lay up and 3 pointer down. As i was practicing I noticed Shelby and Marty settled next to each other in the crowd and Andrew showed up next to Shelby giving her a hug from the back.  I moved my gaze from them back to the basketball in my hand. Eventually game time rolled around and me and my team gathered in a huddle. With the crowd roaring and chatting behind us.being the team captain it was my turn to make a speech.

"Guys this is our first game of the season and we have worked so hard for this, this is our time to prove ourselves" I said
"Let's run this up and then let's party after" I yelled
"Falcons on 3. 1. 2. 3"
"Falcons" the team yelled in unison.

.... After the game.....

"That's how you win a game" I yelled as me and my team made it into the locker room
"Toni you are our mvp" Rachel said 
"Toni you literally killed it" another girl on the team said
"Thank you guys I couldn't have done it with out all of you guys" I said genuinely
"Time to party now" Rachel yelled at the top of her lungs

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