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Hello Everyone.

I just wanted to give a warning about the future of this book on Wattpad.  I have always been upfront that I am pursuing a career as an author.  As such, this book will be my debut novel.

The Soul of Love is up for pre-order  at the sales price of .99c  on Amazon and will be in KU (Kindle Unlimited).  It has a release date of August 31, 2021.  As such, in accordance with the conditions of enrolling it in KU it cannot be published anywhere else on the net, except as a sample.

I will be taking down The Soul of Love on August 1, 2021 and leaving only a sample up in its place.  I am giving you all this advance warning so those of you who wish to read this version of the book will have enough time to do so before it is pulled. 

The new version of this book will be on Amazon.  I have rewritten several chapters, and given it an extended ending.  I have also resolved a few plot holes and the book has gone through extensive editing (Developmental, line, copy, proof) so while the heart of the story is the same, it is a stronger and more detailed version of it.

Also, I have submitted The Soul of Love for Amazon United Kingdom contest Kindle Storyteller 2021 (use the keyword  StorytellerUK2021   to find it).  Once my book goes live you can vote for it if you are so inclined.

Thank you.

Here is the link in case you are interested in the new version.  If not, no worries.


The Soul of Love (Sample)Where stories live. Discover now