Chapter 1

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Lexa POV

About a year has passed since the bunker was opened. We had named the little green patch of survivable earth, 'Eden'. Overtime, Eden has grown. The sand and dusty ground has turned into grass in trees. Monty thinks as more time goes by, everywhere on earth will be survivable. The population has grown from around eight hundred to somewhere near the thousands now. Mostly everyone has moved on or forgotten the bunker. Octavia is still struggling with nightmares but other than that, with the help of Raven, she has moved on from Blodreina. We have a stable food system and source. Most of our diet is fish but that is still better than nothing. We have been getting water from the river nearby and a big lake has formed near where Floukru used to be. The lake is growing a large amount each day. Raven and Monty think it's an ocean or something like that. On the plus side, new plants have grown and Abby is finding new medicine with the help of Jackson and Skaikru.

Lexa heard the door open and she looked up from her journal. Clarke walked in and sat down on the bed. "You can write in your diary later, Commander." Clarke kissed her cheek. "We need to go have lunch with Rae and O."

"It's not a diary." Lexa said, marking her page with the pencil and closing the journal. "Since we don't have flamekeepers to remember the Commanders and to tell the story, I need to record everything that happens. I mean we have Gaia but it's the same, I guess."

"The Commander Diary." Lexa laughed softly, putting the journal on the bedside table. Lexa got up from the bed and held out a hand for Clarke to take. Clarke took her hand and got off the bed. She interlocked their fingers and they walked out of their home.

They walked down the gravel path that led up to their house. They made it into the 'Skaikru village'. Even though in the bunker, they became one clan, when they made houses, everyone kind of went back into the old clans. They had one big village but the clans were like neighborhoods. They walked through the village and into the center of Eden, where the shops and something like a school. A kids below the age of fourteen would go to the school and would learn some basic stuff. It was only for three hours a day so that means the kids should be getting out soon.

"Surprisingly, Madi has no problem going to school." Clarke said, kids started to walk out of the school. "In fact she wants to go."

"She'll get to be around kids her age, instead of two adults and a teenage boy three years older than her for six years. I guess if you count Nova for a short period of time." Lexa looked into the crowd of kids and saw Madi talking to a boy. Lexa remember the boy from the bunker. Ethan was his name and if she remembered correct, he was Octavia second in the bunker. Madi departed from the boy and started to jog in their direction.

"Hey, loved to talk but I have to go." Madi said, passing them.

"Hey, hey." Clarke called. Madi turned around and smiled at them.

"I'll be home by dark." Madi was walking backwards. "I promise this time. I'm with friends, please?" Clarke raised her eyebrows as Madi gave them a thumbs up. "Thanks, cool, see you tonight!" Madi spun on her heel and started to jog towards the village.

Clarke sighed and Lexa laughed. "When are you gonna learn that no matter what you say she is gonna do whatever she has planned." Lexa said, kissing Clarke's cheek. "What is she gonna do that we are not gonna know about? Our guards and warriors see everything, if something does happen."

"I know, I just worry."

They walked to where they were gonna met up with Raven and Octavia. Sometimes, they would get a head nod along with acknowledgements of, 'Heda' and 'Hedatu'. They walked over to an area were tables were and something similar to a bar. Even though it was around midday, a decent amount of people were already drunk. Somewhere passed out while others were talking loudly and every once in a while a fight would break out.

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