Warm up

54 1 0

Sky's long and slender fingers caressed the cup of tea she was drinking from. Andrew couldn't help but notice how smooth and graceful they looked. He couldn't believe that it had been just moments ago that he had ran into such a fine women earlier in the park as he was doing laps and he was on a date with her now. His head was fuzzy. It seemed unreal, but here they were having coffee.
"I'm an English major." Said Sky. "I recently graduated and am trying to get a job as an author"
"Wow that is quite an accomplishment, Sky! Congratulations!" Remarked Andrew. "I wish you luck in your profession and job. Have you any luck with any places?"
"I've been applying to several publishing companies and have several offers! I'm super excited!"
"That's fantastic!"
"Thank you! I hope to hear back from them soon. I'll keep you updated!
"Why did you want to be an English major?"
"Well I've always enjoyed literature and writing since I was little. Are you in college and what's your major"
"I finished college about 2 years ago and majored in exercise science."
"That's cool! What made you interested in that?"
"Well I care about people's health and fitness. I want to be a professional trainer someday. But to gain job experience I have been and am currently working as a gym teacher. The kids can be crazy but it keeps you on your toes. I also coach cross country. I used to run in high school."
"Wow that's great! Why do you like running so much?"
"It's so freeing and I get this runners high when I do so. I feel great afterwards. Funny thing is that I had my students do their Pacer Test and they hated me because of it."
"Haha they make people do that still? I wasn't a fan of it either. What was your highest lap score?"
"Haha I got to 69 of course."
"Wait... haha... for real?"
"I'm just kidding. I got to 126. I was the last one running in my class. It was quite a flex."
"Wow, that's really hot. Gosh that intro is still burned into my mind. The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets harder as it continues. Something like that." Sky laughed at she imitated the most notorious and well known voice of the FitnessGram.
"You know what else gets harder has it continues?" Laughed Andrew.
"Oh stop it." Laughed Sky and she blushed and swatted at Andrews arm.
"The FitnessGram flirting Test is a multistage flitting Test that progressively gets more flirtatious as it continues." Andrew said.
"I remember people treated the people who got really good scores on that like gods in my class. It was honestly kind of annoying. I got like 54 I think. So it wasn't bad but wasn't good either." Sky remarked.
"Is it bad that I have that whole introduction memorized?" Asked Andrew. "I mean... I have to listen to it several times a day when we do the FitnessGram."
"That's impressive!" Remarked Sky. "Say the whole thing then."
"All right" Andrew lowed his voice and leaned forward and smiled. He smelled of fresh soap and his gray eyes met Sky's. Sky noticed his chiseled jawline and gorgeous locks of hair that encompasses his handsome face. In a deep smooth voice that engulfed Sky in its splendor, Andrew said,
"The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter Pacer Test will begin in 30 seconds. Please line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute you hear this signal [bodeboop]. A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound [ding]. Remember to run in a straight line and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start."
The hair on Sky's arms rose. Those words elevated her heart rate. That beautiful voice. She felt a drop in her stomach hearing him say those words, like going down a rollercoaster drop. What an instant turn on. She felt a tightening in her lower regions. She all the sudden had a strong desire for Andrew and the FitnessGram Pacer Test. There was just something so mesmerizing and attractive about hearing Andrew say the Pacer. So commanding and structured; an innuendo of procreation and life itself.
"Wow, that's impressive." She giggled. "You obviously have a high mental capacity as well as aerobic capacity. Almost makes me want to do a multistage aerobic capacity test with you... if you know what I mean." She hinted.
There was a sparkle of humor in his kind brown eyes. Sky was humorous and how they had reminisced about this notorious test made him feel some way.
"I'll let you set the pace." He said and winked.
Sky laughed.
"Well we can go to my place for a bit and get to know each other more."
"Sounds like a plan." Andrew said with a smile.
Sky's heart skipped a beat from excitement. She couldn't wait to get to know Andrew better and to talk about the FitnessGram.
Both Sky and Andrew had a deep connection about the age old fitness test. They were meant for each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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