9. Time Jump

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I spent the next ten months going back to the doctor for check-ups and monthly hormone blockers, being homeschooled, and learning everything about being a girl that Mommy could possibly teach me, with assistance from youtube, books, and teen magazines.

By the time Dr Madison decided we could safely start female hormones without arousing suspicion, I had caught up to where other girls (who had lived as girls since birth) were at in their knowledge of all things feminine.

Let me tell you, Mommy's crash course in girlhood was serioisly intense, but the most fun learning I'd ever experienced.

In addition to teaching me all about every kind of clothing and accessories available to girls, she had a daily routine of youtube videos I had to watch about an entire range of topics, educational books from the public library she made me read each week, and a subscription to several teen girl magazines that were read cover to cover several times each before the next issue arrived.

I learned more than I could have ever imagined about various hairstyles, how to apply makeup to achieve a multitude of different looks, nails, bras, panties, hose, how to put on hose, when to wear hose vs when to go bare legged, how to walk properly in different types of shoes, what styles of shoes were proper for different outfits and occasions, all the different styles of dresses/skirts/pants/shorts/blouses, when to wear and not wear each, how to do laundry properly (inclusing how to iron and put away fine fabrics), how to cook, how to properly clean the house, all the beauty routines women practice in order to mantain soft, supple, youthful skin, and many other things too numerous to mention.

Almost daily, in addition to my school work, I would have a review of what I learned previously from the videos and books and would have to take a quiz. If I passed that day's quiz, I was rewarded with getting to watch an hour of teen girl appropriate TV shows or I could save my time up for a movie on Saturday that I could pick out from a Mommy approved list of age appropriate flicks that were intended for girls.

Mommy's grooming and educating got me to the point I was indistinguishable from any other girl in appearance and knowledge; if you tried to talk to me about anything any other girl would know, I could hold that conversation.

No lie, by the end of month ten I knew more about most of these things than any other girls my age.

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