Scarlett Johansson- stressed part 1

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Your 17

Mom has been working very hard on her movie, she has worked so hard in the MCU to get where she is now. It's been a few months into production and mom has been taking anger out on me, not hitting me or anything bad she's just shouting at practically everything I do, even when I try and be nice and help around the house literally anything. I get that this movie is stressful and it is important for her but the shouting and the arguments are getting to me, we were so close, we did everything together and even in the previous movies she had been in she was never like this.

The directors text me that everyone is having a shorter as they see that the stress of the deadline is getting to people and they are ahead of schedule, so this means mom will be home around 6 instead of 11pm, so I thought it would be nice to clean the house, order her favourite take out and put her favourite movie on so she can de stress, she doesn't have to do anything and we can have a convocation.

This is my last try I don't think I can take this much more. I woke up in the morning, I saw that my mom left for work so you get ready then start cleaning the house, once you finish that it is around 5pm which gives me about an hour to set this up, in my opinion plenty of time so I've ordered food and it is coming in 45 minutes I sorted out movie night and the time I finished that the food arrived, I payed and gave them a tip, they left and now I'm just waiting for her to come through the door. Its dead on 6 and mom walks through the door.

U- evening mom
Sc- ...
U- so today I cleaned the house and made a fun movie ni—
U- mo—
Sc- I'm not in the mood for you at all so just shut up!
There was an awkward silence and you decide to speak up
U- how was your day today? I know you have been stressed at work so it must be nic—
Sc- can you not tell me about myself and your day! I've had a stressful day even though it was cut short so shut up and bother someone else so I can have some peace! I don't need you to be more of a problem to me than you already are!
You say nothing, you eyes start tearing up and you leave the front room to your room

Scarletts POV
I don't know why I've been shouting and being rude to my daughter, I know I've been stressed out cause of the movie but it's no excuse. Once I said those words each day I immediately regret them but I leave y/n to herself cause I thought it was best. After about 30 minutes I stand up and go to the spare room where we usually have movie nights and I see that there was my favourite take away, our favourite sweets (candy), popcorn with fairy lights dangling around the room, face masks and the tv ready to put a film on.

I realised that y/n was trying to make me less stressed and help me have a fun night with her to take my mind off things. I fucked up badly, she has done a lot for me and herself for the past months on top of tutoring her friends and doing every school work piece. I'm going to her room and apologise cause there's no good excuse for the way I've been acting and it's not fair taking it out on her when she has done nothing but being the perfect daughter and doing things that most daughters and kids won't do for their parents if they were in the same or similar position as her.

I go to her room and see clothes on the floor like she's rushed packing, the window open and a note addressed to me.

Your POV
Once mom said those words to me, it was the worst thing she has said to me and the others were bad and painful enough so I thought I'd go and stay with RDJ until she finishes her movie cause I don't want to be a problem for her, I text him and he said it would be lovely to have you stay. You start packing and once you finish you think you have to write a note so mom don't think I've been kidnapped or something

Dear mom,

I took those words to heart more than the others did over the past few months. I get that what you said was right so because of this I've decided to leave for a while until the movie is over and maybe longer. Don't worry I'm safe but don't try and look for me, I need time to process what you have said, to forgive you. I know you may not love me anymore but I love you, hope the movie goes well I know that you will and have done a perfect job at it.

I love you, see you whenever

Love y/n xx

Now that I've done that, I'm lucky enough that my window is next to an fire escape in the apartment, so I climb down the ladder and head to RDJ... thank god it isn't that long of a walk and it isn't dark yet. With tear still streaming down my face I knock on his door and he opens it

R- hey y/n...
U- hey uncle Robert
You hug him as he lets you in
R- you're welcome to stay for how long you want but you know your mom will miss you
U- so will I but I can't be there right now, I just can't
R- it's ok sweetie
You hug him again, he shows you to your room and he left your favourite take out on the bed as he knew you wanted to be alone and have comfort food.

Scarletts POV

I grab the letter and read it
Dear mom,

I took those words to heart more than the others did over the past few months. I get that what you said was right so because of this I've decided to leave for a while until the movie is over and maybe longer. Don't worry I'm safe but don't try and look for me, I need time to process what you have said, to forgive you. I know you may not love me anymore but I love you, hope the movie goes well I know that you will and have done a perfect job at it.

I love you, see you whenever

Love y/n xx

I start crying. How could I be so stupid and that bad of a mother to practically force my daughter to move out of here for a while maybe even permanently, I check the time it's 9pm. I've got time im going to look for her. I get up put shoes on and get into my car and star driving. She can't be too far she can't drive yet, she's only done lessons. I start driving and then I realise RDJ lives near here and he's like a father to her so I head there.

Your PoV 
It's now been an hour or so since I left I've stayed in my room at roberts and luckily he has left me be. I miss the mom who never shouted, who listens to me, where I don't have to practically fight to get a convocation without shouting with her. I fall back on my bed and fall asleep.

Scarletts POV
I got to Roberts and knock on the door
R- I knew you would be here sooner or later
S- can I see my daughter
R- I don't think she wants to see you
S- I don't care I need to apologise, it's been 2 hours and I've gone crazy that she has left i need my daughter
R- fine come in but if I hear her shout get out I will get you out of her room and my house
S- got it thanks Robert
Scarlett goes upstairs to your room and knocks on your door softly
U- you can come in

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