When A Best Friend Lies

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     ---Chapter Uno--- 

"Haley, hurry up, I'm going to start 'Desperate House Elves' without you."I said as I ran into my living room almost spilling the bowl of buttery popcorn I was holding. I sat down on my mom's couch and put the bowl in my lap. I love my mom's couch.(It's old and vintage,and has a flower pattern on it and it's really ugly, but it reminds me of my mom and still smells like the cookies that I used to bake with her when I was little.) I was about to press play when I heard a scream from the kitchen.

         I ran into the kitchen. Haley was holding her phone and her jaw was on the ground.

"What's wrong Haley?"

"Lizabelle, don't hate me."

"Why would I hate you your my best mate." She handed me the phone she was on Facebook. And she was on Stella's profile (the rich, snooty, good for nothing, always gets what she wants, too much make up wearing, annoying girl from our school. I hate her). It said in big, bold letters "Guess who likes Sebastian?""Lizabelle!!!"

I looked at Haley. She was looking at her feet and biting her fingernails (she always does that when she nervous).

"How does she know that?" I asked her nervously.

"Uuumm I may have told her yesterday in gym." Haley said so quietly i probably would not have heard it if I wasn't standing right next to her.

I tried to stay calm, but I think I ended up screaming."Why?"

"Because she said she would tell Jack about me if I told her who you liked."still whispering now looking out the kitchen window at one of the birds on the big oak tree I planted with my mom when I was four years old. She new that tree was special to me.Jack is who Haley likes. He is a year older then us and he is Stella's older brother's friend.

"I don't care about stinking Jack right now...How does she know that I even like someone?"

"Because I kinda told her last week when we were talkin about that kind of stuff at her house the other day."

"I thought you were my best mate."

"Come on Lizabelle, he was going to find out anyhow."

"I don't care about that, I only care that you would tell some 'thing' that. You told a secret about me. We've kept secrets with eachother since we met in second grade."

"Please forgive me I just wanted Jack to like me."

"I don't care if he lkes you...I...I don't care if you end up living on the streets alone with some nickels and a moldy piece of bread."I said now screaming my head off. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!"

Now my dad came downstairs  just to see me with tears rolling down my cheeks and Haley collecting her stuff and walking out of my house. Slamming the door behind her.

"What happened?" My dad asked looking truthfully concerned.

"Nothing."I replied choking on my words as if it were a spider in my throat.(I hate spiders.) Obviously there was something wrong.

"Come on tell me. Please. I have been taking this parenting course and I really want to try out some new material.

I laughed. My dad was the best, he did not need some silly parenting course. Plus he would never waste his time taking one. We both walked into the living room and sat down on the couch just leaving the buttery mess of popcorn on the tile floor in the kitchen. I sat down on the couch first. My dad always lets the ladies sit down first. He is such a gemtleman. When he sat down a trace of sadness and stress crossed his face. That always happens to him when he sat down on my mom's couch because he was remembering her and he really misses her. That's why he usually sits on the old cushioned rocking chair that smelled of moss over in the corner of the living room.

"Ok well Haley was in the kitchen..." I told him everything.

His advice was that maybe Haley and I needed some time apart, you know like a break from eachother, because we have been doing evertything together since second grade. He also said we just needed to talk things over because we can't jump to conclusions, maybe Stella was holding a knife over Haley's head threatening to drop it if she didn't tell her who I liked and then Stella could have said "If you tell anyone the real reason you told me I will make sure you will get bad grades for the rest of your life." My dad was so crazy. He knew that Haley was the top student in the whole eigth grade class.

I laughed. My dad always knew how to make me feel beter.

"Want to watch some 'Desperate Hous Elves"

"No thanks." I say event hough I desperately want to see the season finale. "I think I will go read a book, you know so I have time to calm down."

"Ok but if you need to talk or change your mind about 'Desperate House Elves' I'll be outside in the garage working on a shelf for Charlie's room." He kissed me on the side of my head. I hugged him and started to cry again.

"Neigh..Neigh...Neigh" my 7 year old brother Charlie came 'trotting' down the steps on his stuffed horse head attachted to a stick (my dad made it for him). He was wearing a cowboy hat that covered his short, shagged blond hair. He looked just like my mother.

"Neigh... Neigh ...Nei...oh no Lizabellle is crying. Lizabelle are you ok. Do you need me to get the 'Boo Boo Bunny'?" He is so sweet.

"No it's ok Charlie I'm OK but thanks."

I get up and hug my little brother. He giggles. Then I walk upstairs to my bedroom, pull a Ghost Novel off my desk called 'The Girl that Walked at Midnight.' My favorite. I Sit down on my bed, open to page 1, and start reading.

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