Chapter 4 - Care of Magical Creatures

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[ I apologise for the wait my lovelies<3]

"Hurry up Elizabeth, we are going to be late!" Draco yelled impatiently while tapping his foot as he waited for her. Over the past few hours Draco and Elizabeth had become somewhat close, he had learnt to tolerate her Weasley ways.

"I'm coming!" She responded, running past the inside balcony looking down at him for a split second noticing him staring at her with those piercing blue eyes. She softly grunted, getting to the stairs and beginning to skip down them carefully but she felt as though her feet weren't gripping properly, a few seconds later she reached the bottom. She ran up to Draco

"Hello!! Let's go shall we?? Where are we headed off to again?" Elizabeth said in a chirpy voice.

"You're giving me a headache." Draco grumbled, raising his hands up to his forehead and rubbing it. "Besides we have care of magical creatures let's go" He grumbled beginning to walk off without her.

"Wait up!" Elizabeth called out running after him and following his heel.


"Draco, don't you dare bully him" Elizabeth growled quietly at him while seeing his stare at a boy who looked like a cute brown headed boy, she thought his name was a Neville.

Draco simply rolled his eyes watching the boy get eaten by his book

" What the fuck!" Elizabeth whispered not realising the book was violent.

"Gather 'round now, find yerself a spot and open yer books." Hagrid commented stepping over a stone block.

"And how exactly do we do that?" Draco responded with a snarky reply with a disgusted look on his face looking down at the book

"Jus stroke the spine o' course" He responded going to stand by a tree.

Elizabeth grabbed her book and slowly stroked the spine and looked over and watched Draco stroke his book as she felt shivers go down her spine letting out a soft breath as she watched him.

Elizabeth gathered around Hagrid quietly as she began to watch him talk about this new creature he had her eyes shifting over to Draco a few times noticing that a few other girls had been staring at him. She huffed quietly and looked back over at Hagrid.

"Any volunteers?" Hagrid called out, she realised everyone had stepped back leaving Harry in front which she thought was a bit funny considering he was basically volunteering himself. Harry turned himself around and looked at them, quickly stepping back. Draco smirked as he grabbed Elizabeth's arm and raised it volunteering her against her will.

"Stop, stop!" Elizabeth whimpered quietly trying to get him off her. Hagrid then called her up and stood her next to him a few feet away from the creature bird thing, she had learnt that it was a hippogriff from the mumbles from miss Granger.

She looked at Hagrid quietly listening to what he was telling her which was mainly to slowly move to the hippogriff not wanting to lose one of her limbs. She slowly approached the hippogriff careful not to make any sudden movements. She managed to get close to the hippogriff standing a feet away as she quietly held her hand out for the animal waiting for it to approach her now, surprisingly it came and rested its beak against her hand. Hagrid came over and grabbed Elizabeth by the waist and lifted her up and onto it's back.

"Wait what's going on?" Elizabeth said in a panic as Hagrid said nothing to her, he slapped the rump of the creature as it reared and began to run off and started to fly as she screamed and closed her eyes, holding on tightly to its neck.

A few moments later she opened her eyes noticing they were flying over the black lake, she smiled quietly slowly loosening her grip on its neck and held her arms out feeling as if she were flying.

A few minutes later she came back to the forest as she slowly landed hopping off and running over to Draco, "It was so fun!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"Oh please it couldn't be that fun" He huffed quietly seeming a bit jealous as he shoved past a few people and walked towards the Hippogriff.


hey sorry again i have a bit of writers block so the chapters are gonna be slow and short :((

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 23, 2021 ⏰

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