chapter | 58

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──────L U D I C R O U S [ chapter 58 • i just fucking got her]──────

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[ chapter 58 • i just fucking got her]

"HOLY FUCK," NATHAN breathes out, his face twisting in disgust. "Zander, will you stop eating. Just stop."

Zander looks up at him with a mouthful of cinnamon-sugar pancakes, syrup lingering on the fork in his hand, slowly dripping back onto the plate as a comical grin touches his lips. Small bits of the pancake is shown as Zander smiles, making Nathan grimace further at the boy.

"What?" He shrugs, putting another fork-full of pancake into his mouth. "I love Kio's pancakes," he says with a mouth full.

"It's my grandmothers recipe," I correct, only to be shushed by Zander.

Nathan rolls his eyes. "You're best friend is a pig," he tells me, standing up from his spot on the bar stool, walking towards Zander. He snatches the plate filled with stacks of pancakes and slides it further down the island.

Zander frowns at the blonde. "Why'd you do that? I was eating blondie."

"Not anymore your not."

"So, you're just going to starve me?"

Nathan shrugs. "You sweetie did that to yourself, no one told you to act like a pig while eating, piggy."

"I'm not a pig."

Nathan places his hands on his hips, and begins to snort like a pig. "Mr.Piggy," he says in a sing-song tone while he sways his head side to side.

I chuckle, placing my fork down on the plate. "What are you guys even doing here?" I ask, ending the bickering between them (well Zander was yelling and Nathan was just making pig sounds).

"Oh yeah!" Nathan claps his hands together, sitting back down in the bar stool beside me. "You gotta tell us how your date went. But it probably went bad since she ran away!"

I raise my brows. "That's why you guys are here, seriously?"

"Just to be clear, he's here for that. I'm here for food," Zander clarifies, getting up and grabbing his plate again. His eyes narrow on Nathan. "These are mine, don't touch them again."

Nathan sticks his middle finger up, keeping his eyes settle on me. "So? Are you going to tell us, what did you do to have Atalie run away?"

"Probably talked about his Star Wars collection." Jokes Zander as he grabs the Orange Juice.

I quirk a brow in his direction. "I thought you were here for food, mind your business," I tell him. Zander snickers as he drinks from his glass cup.

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