Prologue: Lost and Found

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Bellus IV - 250 years before the founding of Bellus VI

Bellus IV was a planet which had been home to a war between humans and robots for centuries. Countless losses on both sides. Countless days, months, years and decades wasted looking for a solution. Cities lay decimated. Homes were burnt to a crisp. The people who currently reside, or hide, or fight on Bellus IV have never known anything except the war. None of them would know what to do with peace, or what peace actually is.
     One day - one fait-full day - a little man in a dark jacket and a lurid sweater decorated with question marks stepped out of a blue box that wasn't there a second beforehand. He carried an umbrella, the handle also resembling a question mark. He was quickly taken to the human headquarters by a human commander called Deldran. There, the Doctor was presented with the remnants of a great experiment to simply turn off the robots. The experiment had been on hold due to the death of the chief scientist.
     The Doctor finished the work quickly, and flipped the switch - promptly discovering that the 'human' side were robots, too. As he powered down for good, Deldran explained that the humans had died ages before, leaving the war running by robot proxy. The Doctor  explained that the 'human' side could never complete the weapon to shut off the robots, because the Third Law of Robotics prevented it: 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws. He then went on to explain that the robot side of the war had probably found a way to shut out the First and Second Laws.
     When Deldran used his last bit of power to explain that the robots wouldn't have known what to do with peace, the Doctor echoed the sentiment, and then said:
     "I wonder if anyone was really built for peace."
     When it became clear that he had effectively 'killed' both the robot armies, he uttered:
     "There should have been another way."

300 years after the war ended

A group of scout ships landed on the wasteland planet. They discovered the robot side's main computer's hardware was still intact. The data and memory files were also there, just inaccessible. The humans had the great idea of using this computer to help design buildings and run the new Law Enforcement on the planet Bellus VI. It was, after all, more advanced than anything they currently had access to.
     The planet thrived with this computers help. It printed blueprints for spectacular buildings and was a fantastic Law Enforcement computer. The humans came to trust this computer more than themselves; putting it in charge of almost everything. The colony planet began to advertise itself as a safe place to survive and thrive, with absolutely nothing to worry about, and quickly became a hub for tourist attractions and businesses.
     What the inhabitants didn't realise is that this computer was sentient, and its First and Second Laws of Robotics had been deleted from its memory files almost a millennia ago. It was this deletion that turned it against the humans and sparked the war. It was the human scout's arrogance, however,  that put Bellus VI in terrible danger.

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