Chapter three

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Soul Secrets, chapter three: Lost in thoughts and schön, his pet name for me.

"A flower for you, schön?"


"A kiss, perhaps?" He asked and I scoffed.

Am I the first girl this dude ever saw?

"Come on, schön. I wouldn't bite, just a kiss is all I ask for." He whispered, and boy was I ready to rip his head off any moment now. 

Sighing deeply trying to calm myself down before I do something I regret, so therefore, I tried to explain to him. Keyword tried, "I'm okay Mr. Blackwood, now I'd love it if you shut the hell up and pay attention to the teacher."

"She talks." He said as a smirk made its way on his face.

Just one more minute, one more minute. I motivated myself as I have been going through this torture for the whole class period. You can do this, Carson.

"...and therefore, that's what took place in the past centuries." Ms. Dookie closed off and sat on her desk waiting for the bell to ring.

"She looks mean." Xavier stated, making me once again roll my eyes and continue the sketch I've been working on since the start of the class.

Drawing is something I do to express myself since emotions and I in one sentence means chaos. Drawing has always helped, it's become my therapy in ways no one seemed to understand, it was also my dad's favorite thing to do.

 I miss him. 

"Can I see?" The annoying boy started again. 

"No." I say sternly as I continued to draw, I heard him scoff softly.

"Please?" He whispered as I turned to look at him, his eyes pleading, and I smirked.

"Already begging for me, baby?"

He rolled his eyes at me and scoffed as he crossed his arms over his chest, unintentionally flexing his nicely toned arms. I smirked as my gaze lingers on him for a second longer and I continued to draw for the next five minutes of silence.

- RING -

I mentally cheered as I dump my stuff in my bag and go to where Kyra was, blushing at what seemed like a compliment Blake said to her.

"Привет, мой дорогой друг," I greeted my friend in Russian as I threw my right arm around her pulling her away from her little friend.

Yes, I am a fluent Russian. My mother was actually born and raised in Russia and well, I fell in love with the language. Languages are beautiful although it's complicated. Because of my love for languages, I've learnt Russian, Italian, and Spanish.

"I'll see you later Blake, bye!" Kyra chirped as she waved a grinning Blake goodbye. "What's wrong?" She asked, raising an eyebrow examining my face, trying to see what was wrong but got nothing.

"Nothing." I mumbled as we walk out the classroom and to the back of the school where we hung out most of the time because it was mainly quiet and away from people.

She gave me a look, and I glared at her knowing she was going to bring it up later.

"What is he doing here?"

Kyra whispers as she stops in her tracks and stares at something, or I might say someone in front of her. I drag her, hiding in the process behind the large recycling bin as we cautiously watch Xavier in front of us, sitting in our usual spot, lost deep in his thoughts.

He looked sad...beautifully sad.

"Don't know." I mumbled, as my eyes kept glued to the deep frown on his face.

"Let's just go and ask him." Kyra suggests and I shrugged, not really caring.

"Hello there handsome." Kyra merrily chirped, attempting to sweet talk the guy in front of us making me roll my eyes at her stupidity. He turns his head to face us and immediately, his frown disappears as if he was masking his emotions.


"Hey schön, it's nice to see you again." He says with a smirk and I rolled my eyes. His smirk looked wicked and cocky and all I wanted to do was slap it off. 

Yes, literally slap it off, might as well dig it off too.

"могу сказать то же самое здесь." I bluntly say, wanting to eat Kyra's mom homemade double chocolate muffins and on top of that, I was really hungry since I refused to eat breakfast this morning because I was lazy.

Don't come at me, it was just one of those days.

"What did you say?" He asked confused. Kyra giggled as she stared at the two of us with a smug look, "She said that 'She can't say the same about you'." 

"She knows she's lying," He chuckled as he walked closer to me, "Bye schön." He whispered softly and walked off, as I stared ahead of me wondering why his cologne smelt stronger than my perfume.

Should really get myself some cologne.

Kyra's eyes twinkled with mischief and I glared at her playfully as we sit on the grass and talked about anything and everything. Kyra had started to learn Russian since she thought it was hot, which I agree with. It quickly became our little secret language between us so we could talk shit about people in front of their faces and they wouldn't even realize. 

Yeah, it's kind of evil but at least I'm not breaking their annoying faces.

Kyra and I continue the deathly boring remainder of school and when the bell rang signaling for the end of school. I practically jumped for joy ready to go home to start my workout.

Although I quit street racing and that shit, I still continued to train from home since my trainer said I was better than most boxers and fighters out there.

I had to keep that repetition up somehow. I didn't work hard for nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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