Making it official

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Natalie's POV
         I've been hooking up with Nathan for a while, I still find it shocking how we moved to hooking up when it doesn't seem like it was so long I couldn't stand him,and now we are always spending the night at my place together.I don't feel comfortable spending the night in their apartment but I end up doing it sometimes and then sneak out so joy doesn't see me but apparently she knows so here she is trying to get me to talk about it.
     "Natalie what is going on between you and nathan,i'm asking again cause i've seen you sneaking out" joy said "and you screaming his name when the two of you are alone in this room" julia said laughing "Natalie did you guys have sex" joy asked "No,its nothing like that,we just fooled around" I said embarrassed "so how come you were screaming his name if he wasn't fucking you" joy said "ok fine" I said "he kind of used........" I stopped feeling uncomfortable "use what Natalie, Are you guys getting kinky" joy said laughing "he use a dildo" Julia said "Natalie doesn't have any so that's out of it"joy corrected her "so what did he use am curious here" joy asked "he used his fingers and his mouth and I gave him a blowjob" I replied "Are you satisfied cause the both of you are making me uncomfortable", I said "Natalie you need to get on birth control,cause nathan has had enough control or get condoms around " joy said "No he said no condoms,I had to get a birth control plan"I said quietly "wow!!!!!!" the both of them shouted "why didn't you tell me to accompany me, you didn't have to go alone" joy said "I wasnt alone,nathan was there" I said.
       "Wow!!!!!" They said again "Are you guys dating" they screamed "stop it you two,No we are not" I said,"he didn't ask"I concluded "I'm sorry Natalie,I know you really wanted to have sex with someone who really cared about, you really don't have to if you don't want to" joy said "i'm not forced into anything, and we are not having sex yet" I said "Andre is going to spend sometime with Judah in school,julia and I decided to tag along, I don't know if you would like to come too" I asked joy "ofcourse I would love to but I would have to talk to hansel about it so we all go to together,does nathan know about this" joy asked "not yet but i'll tell him later, so what's up with you not coming to the apartment anymore,it seems julia is my new roommate" I asked
       "About that hansel wants us to stay together, since we already have plans to get our own place as soon as he graduates,so i'm kind of moving in. The guys already know about that and they are cool with it but I wanted to tell you first before moving out finally" joy explained "do I have to refund your part of the rent or something" I asked "No, ofcourse not I decided to leave so that's my loss" joy said "I could pay you the remaining part of the rent left and just stay since am always here anyway" julia said "sure that would be cool" joy replied and it was settled "we have to check up on Catherine,she sounded weird the last time we talked"I said "I hope Andrew has nothing to do with it" joy said "so what's up with you and Judah julia,I heard you went over two weekends back"joy asked "yea I did, and we hooked up,it was amazing" julia said "No details please,but tell me are you guys getting Serious anytime soon" I asked "No,not at all besides my ex keeps calling ,he heard about me moving on and I think he wants to get back together" Julia said "does Judah know this" I  asked "Yes he does and he wants me to consider him,we aren't serious Natalie" julia said
         "So much drama,I felt I was the dramatic one" Joy said as we rolled our eyes.That week I meet up with nathan after his class to tell him about the trip,once again I see some bitch flirting with him,even though I noticed he ignored her I was still pissed,I couldn't control my irritation, seeing me Nathan walked towards me saying "hey babe" pecking my cheek while I frowned,"Are you ok"he asked "Yea i'm fine,how is your day going" I asked still "cool,hey don't frown she isn't important and you know that so stop being jealous cause there is no need to be"Nathan said " i'm not jealous, really i'm not" I said "Are you sure,cause you are still frowning" nathan said laughing "Nah i'm not, besides its not like we are anything, we just hook up" I said shrugging even though i'm a little pissed with the situation "Aha,now I understand" nathan said as he kissed me "stop it nathan,I want to tell you something that's why i'm here" I said as he kept kissing my neck."its important nathan......."I said and he stop and pulled me to his car "ok,what is going on" he asked "well we going to  spent the weekend with Judah,joy and hansel are joining me,Andre and julia so I wanted to know if you are coming or not" I asked "ofcourse i'll come along but we'll all stay in my condo,it a little far off from campus but it would house us all" he said "i'll have to ask the others about that cause they all want privacy" I said
        "I also want privacy with you Natty," he said "Nathan,I don't want Judah asking me question so if you are coming you have to behave" I said "I'm not promising anything but i'll talk to Judah" nathan said "whatever, take me home" I said "My place or yours" nathan asked "My apartment and I have things to do nathan so just drop me off and leave" I said tired "I also have things to do" nathan replied smiling "ok let's make a deal.if you let me focus on my academics this week, i'll give you all the attention you need when we get to the condo" I asked "deal,no girls shit just you and me" he said playing with my hair "fine" I said as he dropped me off and left
           That weekend,we all went to WSU,kyle and Betty decided to tag along so they rode with Andre and stacy since they were more comfortable with him,while julia rode with hansel and joy.They left me and nathan alone in his car,it did give us an opportunity to talk."Nathan,I heard about nora's break up.I'm sorry she is going through that and I think she needs all the support she can get"I said "I warned her about getting back together with him,you won't understand Nat" he replied "please put this family fued aside and call her,you are still her elder brother" I said "fine Nat,i'll do that" he said sighing.
         Getting to the condo,we all picked a room,julia and Judah got right into it.I was sharing a room with  Nathan,while arranging my Things since we ended up deciding to spent a whole week,Nathan kept trying to distract me.The next day we went to get lunch together,cathrine and Andrew met us there bringing Tyler, Andrew's friend who choose not to take the hint but kept flirting with me.Nathan got pissed at some point,"Hey man,stay away from my girl,you are making her very, very uncomfortable and she doesn't like you.she also never will cause she has me" Nathan said rudely "i'm just trying to be friends that's all, right Natalie" Tyler asked,there is no harm in him being my friend besides i'm not dating Nathan so I said "Ok" I said "do you need a drink Natalie" Andrew asked "I don't need you to get my girl anything, focus on yours cause you've been on your phone since you got here"Nathan said "You don't have to be rude nathan" Catherine said "I'm not being rude,i'm being straight forward which is not something I think you understand,why haven't I cut in asking to get joy,julia or even Betty something, its cause I respect their man enough to know they are well taken cared of" nathan replied Cathrine.Turning his head to face me so I can look into his eyes I said  "Nate,it's ok please" "ok Natty,I'll behave,he just gets on my nerves" nathan replied "we'll be leaving soon" I told him "fine" he said smiling. As we turned back to our group we noticed everyone staring at us,Judah was shocked, while Andre,joy,Hansel and julia where smiling."You guys are such a sweet couple"Betty said and I froze while nathan smiled rubbing my back and pecking me.
        I couldn't hold my tears in so I excused myself walking to the bathroom,to sob a little.As I cleaned up and walked out i bumped into Nathan who took my hands and pulled me away when we got outside we drove back to the condo."Why did you keep giving everyone the fucking impression that we were dating when we weren't, its hard already nathan" I said with my voice shaking " I know Natalie"he said "I don't know what we are and what we are doing and I don't want to pressure you into anything but I can't help feeling hurt cause I care about you" I said "Natalie" nathan said trying to talk but I cut him off "I don't want to get hurt again and I feel like am just another black girl  jumping from one wrong decision to another and I feel this could break me" I continued "Natalie I really..." Nathan tried talking but I cut him off again "why can I get something good like joy or even Betty, I want that too,I just......" I couldn't conclude before nathan kissed me until I was breathless then he stopped and said those words that made me cry more.
          "I love you Natalie,I love how much of a nerd you are,I love your smile,I love how focused you are,I love the fact that you don't let people push you around but stand up for yourself,I love your natural curls and your brown skin.I love how much you care about people and everything around you,I love how ambitious you are while you are still humble,I could go on and on but every side of you I see makes me love you more" he said while "please don't cry baby,would you be my girlfriend,I knoe I can be annoying sometimes but i'll try to be better for you and me,please say yes babe" he asked while I sobbed nodding  "is that a yes" he asked and I nodded composing myself I said "yes nathan i'll be your girlfriend" I said as he kissed me,pulling away I asked "does this make you my boyfriend" teasing him "I have always been your boyfriend since we began hooking up" he said and continued kissing me while I pulled his hair with him moaning but suddenly everyone walked in and julia said "here they are" "I can't believe you guys ditched us for this" joy said "The two of you don't let me start about how you and your men having been fucking like rabbit since we got here" nathan said "Nathan.......stop" I said while he pulled me into his arms kissing me "ok,I can't wait to ask anymore,what is going on between you two" Judah asked us narrowing his eyes at me "Are you using my sister as a fuckbuddy nathan cause if you are I swear friends or not I'll....."Judah said but was cutoff by nathan who said  "she is officially my girlfriend now, and i love her too much to do that to her man" "oh,that surprising" Judah said as joy,Betty and julia screamed pulling me away "sweetie you promised me no girl time just you and me" nathan shouted "shut up nathan we'll be back" joy said
         "When did this happen, how?" Joy asked "he asked me immediately we got into the apartment" I said giving them all the details while they squealed and I laughed "no wonder,he was keeping Tyler away from you" julia replied "that guy couldn't keep his eyes off you" she concluded."And cathrine kept staring at Judah while Andrew didn't seem bothered by her, he was on his phone all through"joy said.I wasn't thinking about that.I kept thinking about how nathan just made us officially together.

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