My Choices: Hero In Residence

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Mona's Choice:

How did you get into Stella's treasure room and retrieve Petra's sword?: Mona chose to fight her way in.

Isabelle's Choice:

How did you get into Queen Candy's treasure room and retrieve Mona's code?: Isabelle chose to sneak in.

Hira's Choices:

How did you get into Max's treasure room and retrieve Jesse's sword?: Hira chose to sneak in.

Did you think Radar was up to the task of temporarily running Beacontown?: Hira told Jesse to leave Radar in charge.

When Mona was nervous to meet Jack, how'd you tell her to act?: Hira told Mona to be herself.

Which Structure Block did you think would be most helpful against the Heckmouth?: Hira chose the Shield Wall.

Did you assist Jesse with his Prismarine foes or help Mona save Petra's beloved sword?: Hira helped Mona saved Petra's Sword, Miss Butter.

Petra's Sword's Fate: Hira Saved Mona But Jesse Got a Scar On His Right Eye (It Will Be Healed By The End of This Adventure), Mona Has Petra's Sword Still Due To It Being Important To Petra. Isabelle Has a Pet Llama Named Llisa Whom She Treats Her Well.

Hira's Fate: Still Alive.

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