Welcome to Beacon Hills

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Beacon Hills

Aly arrived at the Hale House looking for Derek but didn't find him. Instead, she was met by an empty burnt-down house. Aly was confused as to what had happened there. It wasn't like that 7 years ago. She walked inside hesitantly and looked around. 

"Hello?" Aly said almost in a yell. Her voice echoed through the house, but nobody was there, nobody answered her call.

Aly then walked into what she found was Beacon Hills High School. She decided that since she never really finished high school, she should enroll herself, so that's what she did. She walked into her first class sitting next to this boy who had a werewolf scent.

"Um, hi." Another boy said, looking down at her from where  Aly was sitting.

"Hi?" Aly said, slightly confused and a bit annoyed too, "Can I help you?"

"No, yeah, um, I'm Stiles, but I usually sit next to Scott," Stiles said, motioning to the werewolf boy next to Aly.

"Oh. Did you want me to move?" Kat said in a sincere tone.

"Oh, no, no, it's fine. Stiles can sit behind you. Plus, it gives us time to get to know... what's your name?" Scott butted in, and Stiles rolled his eyes, sitting down behind Aly.

"I'm Aly; I'm new," Aly said, smiling, holding out her hand for Scott to shake, which he did. 

"What brought you to Beacon Hills?" Scott asked with a very boyish smile. It reminded Aly of Derek's smile.

"Well, I've actually lived here all my life. But, there was an accident, and I was in a coma for 7 years. But, now I'm awake, so I decided to come back to school and friends." Aly said bluntly, only leaving the bit about her being a werewolf out.

"What about your family?" Stiles asked curiously.

Kat smiled, "They died in a car crash when I was young. My best friend's family brought me in. One of them was my boyfriend before I went into a coma. I'm trying to find them. But the house seemed to be burned and empty."

Scott and Stiles looked at each other before they responded. "Oh, I know that look. Peter used to give me that look when he knew something and wasn't telling me. You know who I'm talking about, don't you?" Aly said, her eyes lighting up.

"Not here," Scott said. "Let's talk later."

Aly sighed, then nodded. The rest of the day went on, and then it was lunch. Aly stayed with Scott and Stiles, where she then met Lydia and Allison as well. Aly looked at Allison, feeling she recognized her but couldn't put her finger on why and just ignored it. 

It was after school, and Scott had finally agreed to talk to Aly. Aly was waiting in the parking lot, sitting on the cement, looking around at how the environment has changed a lot in 7 years. Scott and Stiles showed up not too much later, causing Aly to stand up.

"So, are you going to talk to me now or..." Aly asked, wanting to know about Derek.

"Come with us," Stiles said, and Kat followed them to Stiles jeep. "It's best if we talk someplace where people won't hear us."

Aly nodded and got in. "So, are we going to talk in this jeep or somewhere else?"

Scott answered before Stiles could say something snarky that Scott knew was coming. "No, we're going to my house where nobody will be. It's best that way." 

Aly nodded understanding and just sat in the back, looking out the window admiring the city. Scott and Stiles kept giving each other weird looks, wondering who Aly was and how she knew Derek. The other question was if she was a werewolf, what was she there for because Scott could tell her scent was another werewolf. Scott and Stiles had talked about Aly a bit when they were alone with Allison asking if she knew who she was, but Allison couldn't figure it out either. Allison recognized her, which she told Scott and Stiles, but she still didn't know why.

Once the three got to Scott's house, they got out, going inside with Scott first, Stiles, and Aly last. She followed the two boys into the living area, where they sat on the couch and Aly on the chair near it. She looked around, admiring the decor before saying anything.

There were a few minutes of silence before anyone said anything. "Alright, this silence is killing everyone, so I'm going to ask the real question here. How do you know Derek, and what do you want with him?" Stiles said bluntly, making Aly chuckle a little. 

"Derek's family is the one who brought me in when my family was killed in that crash I told you about. He was one of my best friends before I went into a coma. He was the boyfriend I told you about too. I haven't seen him in years and want to find him and the rest of the Hale's." Aly said, smiling, just thinking about seeing the Hale's again.

Scott and Stiles looked at Kat with concern, getting a confused look from Aly. "What's that look? What's going on?" Kat asked the two boys.

"That Derek will have to tell you, it really isn't our place," Scott said, getting a nod from Kat understanding. "But I do have a question. You're a werewolf, too, aren't you?"

Kat smiled lightly before answering, "Yeah, I was born into a family of them. I inherited the werewolf gene. I'm the only living one left of my family, though."

"What happened to your family? Like, was the crash intentional?" Stiles asked, which caused Scott to punch him in the arm. "Ow! You're strength, dude. I'm just curious; no harm in that, right?"

Aly chuckled at the two but nodded, "No harm done, boys. I actually don't know what happened. All I know is my parents were with my sisters one night when I was with the Hale's, and the next day I find out from Talia they were killed in a deadly crash. So I still don't know what really happened."

"That's terrible," Scott says. "I'm sorry that happened to you."

"It's okay. I was taken care of by Talia." Then, Aly said, "Can you help me find Derek?" 

"Yeah, we can. Stiles, let's go." Scott says, causing both Aly and Stiles to follow him out the door back into the jeep.

"Where are we going?" Aly asked, not sure what was going on.

"To find Derek," Stiles said with absolutely no emotion. 

A/N: Hi y'all! Hope you're enjoying this series. I plan to continue this one a bit and I'm going to start up my "The Player" series soon too so we'll see where that leads us. I love you guys so much! -K

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