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        Triumph, Jonas decided.

        They had made it. He was alive—and more importantly, Gabriel was alive.

        Though the memories were gone, Jonas had never felt more full of gratitude, love, achievement, and comfort. Days of hunger, thirst, and longing were over.

        Elsewhere was beneath their very feet.

        Jonas felt it—knew it; just as he knew something—or someone—had been waiting for him. 

        He was so excited—no, anxious— both, perhaps—that the pain previously welled inside him disappeared completely. 

        Trudging forward through the snow, color broke through the dull landscape. Though everything mostly stayed in its monotonous state, trees up ahead were covered in deep green leaves. Evergreens, he recalled from a session with The Giver.

        The Giver...

        But this is what needed to happen; It didn't matter how much he missed him.

        Gabe squirmed against Jonas, encouraging him to walk faster. He looked ahead, keeping his eyes on the colorful little lights sprinkled over the wooden residence he had spotted when he first reached Elsewhere. The blissful sound of a thing called music danced with the winds, ushering Jonas to the home in front of him.

        He reached the front steps, taking in the moment of success. He had gone on for so long believing he and the new child would die. And yet they were here. 

        Jonas had no way of predicting what would happen after knocking on the door, but that was a risk he was willing to take. 

         Jonas raised his dry, bleeding knuckles to the door and gave it four knocks. The music made by the people inside wavered a bit, and he heard a short exchange of words. When the music steadied again, he was left wondering if anyone had heard him.

         Just as he lifted his hand to knock again, the door knob began to rattle.

        When it finally opened, Jonas had to remember that Gabriel was in his arms—otherwise, he would've dropped him.

        Standing in front of Jonas was a beautiful, gentle-looking, red haired girl, around his age.

        Fiona? No, he thought, she's back in the community with the rest. It was just the red hair that was similar. Other than that, they were different. This girl had unsettling, pale eyes, just like Jonas's. Her nose was slightly more upturned than Fiona's, and it had freckles strewn across it. Her lips and general skin tone were a little lighter than Fiona's, but she was none the less pretty because of it. 

        Her icy eyes widened at the sight of Jonas and Gabriel. She hastily reached out and took hold of Jonas's arm, "Come inside!"

        Without hesitation, Jonas followed the girl inside.

        Warmth wrapped around Jonas and Gabriel, quenching their long desired thirst. 

        They made their way towards the room holding the rest of the family. Jonas saw young children—their range probably from Sixes to Nines—adults around the age of parents, and Elders who he suspected to be grandparents.

        Before he knew it, he was offered food and water while being sat down on a couch. They also provided for Gabriel, and even offered to hold him. Of course, Jonas said no; after all he'd been through, there was no way would let Gabe, the last thing he had, leave his arms.

        Jonas and Gabe ate and drank as fast as they could, only stopping when their lungs demanded them to breathe.

        After eating, Jonas looked up to find the family awkwardly staring at each other in silence. Jonas was so engrossed in eating that he hadn't even realized it was silent! Now that he was aware, things only got more uncomfortable. 

        It seemed as if the family were trying to communicate with each other using their eyes—only their eyes.

        They must have agreed that it was most fitting—or least troublesome—that the girl Jonas's age would ask whatever was on the family's minds, because she turned to look at him. "Who are you?"

        He gestured to the baby first, "This is my brother, Gabriel. And I'm Jonas. I used to be the Receiver of Memories."

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2015 ⏰

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