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Aleeya had gone to live with the Hale's after Aleeya's family died in a car accident when she was a kid. The Hale's had been close with her family, and she was close with Derek and Peter before her family died and got even closer with them after she started living with them. Talia had always been like a second mom to Aleeya, so it was no different. Aleeya was a werewolf, just like the rest of them but didn't know too much about it until going to live with the Hale's, where Talia helped her learn more about herself and helped her learn to control herself during the full moon. 

(that was just some background info about the characters you'll be seeing ^^)

7 years ago

It was just a normal day for Aleeya. She went to school with Derek, and they hung out in the woods like they always did. He was showing her something he found the other night after the full moon. Aleeya wasn't surprised by this as Derek had always done something like this, taking her to the woods in the middle of the night to show her something very random. However, little did they know that this time was going to be very different.

Derek was pulling Aleeya through the woods, holding her hand. He was running, and Aleeya was having trouble keeping up with him, causing her to laugh. "Derek, where are we going? We have been running forever."

Derek stops and turns around to look at Aleeya and smiles, "Don't worry, we're almost there, I promise." 

Aleeya smiles and kisses his cheek, causing Derek to blush a little. Derek wraps his arm around Aleeya's shoulder, and they start walking again. Not too much later, Derek stops walking, putting his arm down, which causes Aleeya to stop. It's at the top, and you can see the whole city.

"Whoa," Aleeya says as she looks down at Beacon Hills in awe.

Derek smiles, looking at Aleeya's expression, "You like it?"

"Like it? I love it! How did you find this?" Aleeya asks.

"Kind of just found it after the full moon was wandering around and found it. I hoped you would like it. Come here." Derek says as he steps forward towards the edge holding out his hand for Aleeya. 

Aleeya walks forward, careful not to fall, and takes Derek's hand. They both sit at the edge, looking down at the beautiful city. Katherine looks at Derek and smiles, laying her head on his shoulder with Derek's head on top of hers, and they sit there in silence for a little while. 

Not too much later, Katherine lifts her head, causing Derek to look at her. "What's wrong?" He asks, looking at her with a worried expression and seeing her sad face.

Aleeya sighs and looks down. "One day, you're going to forget about me and leave. You're not going to be here forever. I don't want you to forget about me." Aleeya says in almost a whisper, but Derek heard it still.

Derek lifts her head with one finger and puts both of his hands on her cheeks to look into her eyes. "Aly, I will never forget about you. You are my best friend and the girl I want in my life forever."

Aleeya smiles lightly and puts one of her hands on top of his but still shakes her head. "Are you sure? Everyone that I've ever loved is dead. Death surrounds me."

Derek chuckles a little, "I can protect myself, and I'll protect you until the day I die, which won't be for a long time. I'm never leaving your side."

Derek leans forward, so their faces are only inches apart, moving his hands down to her sides. Aleeya can feel his breath on her face as he speaks. "You're my girl, and I'm not going anywhere," he says, causing Aleeya to smile and close the gap between them, kissing him.

Derek smirks slightly then kisses her back as Aleeya wraps her arms around her neck. Derek pulls away after a little while and smiles, laying back on the hard ground. Aleeya then lays on his chest and smiles, listening to his heartbeat. Derek smiles and brushes a hand through her hair which causes Aleeya to succumb to slumber, and not too much later, Derek does too. 

A few hours later, Derek wakes up with a sleeping Aleeya still on him and smiles. He checks the time and sees it's 2 a.m. He doesn't want to wake Aleeya but knows they have to get back before his mom freaks out, not seeing them there when she wakes up. He can hear Aleeya's steady heartbeat as she sleeps. 

He kisses the top of her head then shakes her a little. When she doesn't respond, he speaks very softly, shaking her a little more, "Wake up, beautiful." She hums but doesn't move, so Derek continues. "Wake up, Sunshine," he says while moving from under her and moving her head to the ground while he sits up, causing her to wake up finally.

Aleeya sits up, obviously not pleased, "Hey! I was sleeping peacefully; why did you wake me?" 

Derek chuckles and pecks her lips, "We have to get back, it's late, and you know how Mom is if we aren't home by morning."

Aleeya sighs then nodded her head. Derek smiles and stands up, holding out his hand for Aleeys to take, which she does, and stands up. "Let's go home and go to bed."

Aleeya smiles slightly, interlocking their fingers as they start walking back. They walk in complete silence, just enjoying each other's presence. They both stop when they hear a tree branch break behind them, sounding like somebody's following them. 

"Did you hear that?" Derek whispers, looking at Aleeya, to which she nods. 

They turn around, and Derek steps in front of her with an arm in front of her protectively. He glows his eyes to blue, and he looks around and sees someone coming at them, a wolf. Derek turns to look at Katherine as she looks frightened because she sees it too.  

"Aly, let's go! Run!" Derek says, grabbing her hand and running as fast as he can with her by his side. 

Aleeya tries to keep up, but she's not as fast as Derek, even with her enhanced speed of being a werewolf. Their hands slip from each other, but they keep running with the other wolf not too far behind them. Derek, a bit farther ahead, keeps turning his head back every few seconds to make sure Aleeya is okay but then he hears a scream, Aleeya's scream. 

He stops and turns around and sees the wolf had clawed at Aleeya a bit, then threw her against a tree, causing her to knock out and was about the finish the job. Derek tackled the wolf, causing them to lose their balance, and Derek fought them off for a while until they just ran off. After Derek caught his breath, he ran over to Aleeya to check on her. He checked her pulse, and she was still breathing, but she wasn't healing. 

"Come on, darling, wake up," Derek said in a low voice. Aleeya didn't move, so he started to shake her and push her, but she didn't wake up. It had been almost a full 5 minutes, and she hadn't woken up yet, so he picked her up, taking her home.

Derek walked in with Aleeya in his arms, laying her on a couch and getting Peter and Talia telling them what happened. Days and weeks had passed, and Aleeya wasn't waking up, and they were are all heartbroken unsure what to do. Talia decided to send her to New York, where she knew someone who could care for her more and possibly watch and help her.

A/N: Hi guys! Thanks for reading :) This is the first teen wolf story I've written. I hope you guys like it. This is kind of just an introduction to the story, I guess. So, here's Aleeya's story c: I hope you guys like her. Also, I don't know if I want to make this a Derek story. I'm not sure but let me know who we want our endgame to be. But I will be going to present time in the next story, which will take place at the end of season 1/beginning of season 2 of teen wolf. Italics will symbolize flashbacks or thoughts in my story, so you guys know. Love y'all

 xx -K

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