Bittersweet Recollection

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Mayhap what I did in the past was naught but mere stupidity
No, countless times would naught count as it does foolishness
One moment I was certain, the next not so much
Anxiety and guilt clouded my better judgment

Until that fateful day I decided to let it rule over me once more
In that particular day, I ought to make clear and right in everything
To your freedom up to our downfall
Yes, mayhap I decided without thinking it would do so much effect to me as it did with you
I ought to really think twice in everything I act upon

For when I decided naught to directly speak to you
My foolish self instead did the most horrendous thing I think I'm best capable of
To act as if naught a single thing has bloody changed
To walk away as if merely walking out of a tedious school I'd so happily leave behind
To not look back like what I always do with my demons who're lurking in my shadow
To act as if naught a single thing has bloody changed

That's me for the ton to judge

Though I can still taste the bitter bile of my so called ego trampled upon when you won't as much look at me
I can naught do so much as stare at you with longing for if I will invade your peaceful state today...

I might act like naught a single thing has changed when things go awry

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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