Cleo Dearing

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"You signed me up for what-" I exclaimed, my eyes wide. Claire just turned at me with a sweet and sour smile. A helicopter landed on the landing site, blowing mine and Claire's faces.

"You'll be attending camp cretaceous, Cleo. It's not that big of a deal-- Good morning, Mr. Masrani," She walked towards the helicopter. A faint image of Mr. Masrani's face popped on the tainted window, waving at me with a smile on his face.

I smiled back at him before I groaned, stomping back into the building. I can't believe she had to put me in a 'camp cre-something' for the 2 weeks- Wait, hold on, Is Mr. Masrani in the driver's seat? I looked back but their ride was already up in the air.

"Well, good luck, Claire" I snickered as one of the staff escorted me towards the outside. As we walked towards the end of the hall, I looked at my watch. It was about 9:40 in the morning. Claire told me that the camp starts at 10-ish.

20 more minutes till I get to the dock; not bad. I reached the entrance to hear a faint jeep engine roar. That must be my ride! Soon, A jeep was heading towards the entrance. The jeep had "Camp cretaceous" written on both sides, decorated with the usual Jurassic theme.

A lady with chocolate brown hair that is tied into a ponytail popped out of the driver's seat. "Good morning, Cleo. I'm Roxie and I'm here to pick you up for camp," She quickly explained. "Ms. Dearing already picked up your luggage at the back,"

I nod. "Good morning to you too, Ms. Roxie," I greeted with a smile as I headed over to the back. I jumped onto one of the seats and looked down. There were small compartments under the chairs for the bags.

I sat back as the engine roared again. Roxie drove as I admired the scenery. Sure, I've been here thousands of times because of my sister's job, but it never gets old. The road was a bit bumpy but manageable.

We reached the docks right on time. As the tires screeched for a break, I got thrown back a little, making me grab onto the railings. Roxie popped out of the van and began to introduce herself with her happy-go-lucky smile as I hopped down.

"Ah, so sorry we're late. Welcome campers! I'm Roxie, head counselor of camp cretaceous," She walked past the other kids and stopped near Dave. I've met him once before; he's quite the charmer I say.

The other kids turned to dave with a raised brow. I have a feeling he said something by the lines of 'I'm a head counselor'. He chuckled awkwardly, looking away for a little. "Well, uhh- it's more like a co-head counselor sort of situation,"

"Oh, is it?" Dave cleared his throat while taking out his clipboard, ignoring that he's been caught.

"Anyway, some of you won contests to be here, some by VIP invites, but for the next two weeks all of you will be getting 5-star treatment!" He announced. A girl with bubblegum pink hair took out her camera to the other campers.

Some gave a thumbs up, or even just a simple smile. I just winked as I tucked my hair back into the back of my ear. "As our first campers, we've lined up exclusive behind-the-scenes tours of the Jurassic world,"

A small wave of 'ohh's and 'yes's was whispered by the excitement, I presume. As well as kayaking, rock climbing, obstacle courses, and of course...-"

"Dinosaurs?" exclaimed a boy with a bright yellow jacket. He then puts his hand into his pockets with a nervous smile; maybe because of his little outburst.

"Yes... Darius, plenty of dinosaurs. So, who's ready for an adventure?"

"Absolutely! But, I need that speech just a little shorter and try to lean into the majesty of this place," Pinky requested as she held up her phone. Hold on, aren't campers not allowed to have their phones here?

Dave just chuckled. "Okay, we're leaving now. Let's get you 7 to camp!" He exclaimed, ignoring Pinky's request.

"Uh, there are 6 of us," A scrawny-looking boy said, raising his hand.

"Wait. Dino-kid, track-star, internet girl, Dearing, barfy, Texas... He's right, wheres 7?" he turned to Roxie who snatched the clipboard. As she read, she scoffed and her face seemed rather annoyed.

An hour later, we found ourselves waiting near a helicopter pad. "Who are we waiting for exactly?" I asked, turning to Ms, Roxie. She groaned, her face still as annoyed as ever.

"A VIP kid-" Roxie was but of by the sound of a helicopter coming right our way. As it landed, dust began to flow away; heading at us. We all covered our faces because of it. What VIP kid would do such a stunt like this-

The helicopters doors opened, revealing a tall boy with black hair, wearing a pink polo shirt and some cargo shorts. No, it can't be. He walking towards us with a smug smile. Oh, you've got to be kidding me! "Greetings, my dudes! Kenji is here so let the party commence!"

He tossed his bag over to Roxie who barely caught it. "Take this to my room," He blunty requests, ignoring the glares Ms, Roxie gave out.

"I knew I smelled tacky cologne," I remarked as I crossed my arms.

"It's nice to see you again, Cleo. So, what's your deal?" Before I could open my mouth, Kenji got hit by his own bag, which made him fall down and groan. I guess the bag just missed Kenji so much.

"Nice aim, Ms Roxie," I snickered.

"Nothing worth mentioning, Cleo. Now, let's go!" As the other campers and I was about to go to the jeep, I stopped. I took one look back at Kenji. Still on the ground, really? With a sigh, I went over to him and lend a hand.

"Do you really need everything to be done by someone?" With a strong pull, he was able to get onto his feet. "There now, you can walk," I muttered, stomping back to the jeep. This is gunna be a total headache.

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