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..⃗.  [ 𝙽𝚈𝙲 𝚃𝙾 𝙼𝙸𝙽𝙽𝙴𝚂𝙾𝚃𝙰 ] 𑁍ࠜೄ ・゚ˊˎ

TODAY WAS HER LAST DAY with her best friend Violet and her hockey team. Darcy would only be spending about 3 hours with Violet before flying to Minneapolis, Minnesota to meet her new Hockey team for team U.S.A and then to Los Angeles to play in the games.

"Hey vi . . ." Darcy sighed, roller skating up to her friend who sat on a bench outside of the school. "What's up with you huh?" She tilted her head. "Violet I only have three hours left with you before I leave New York for a while" she sat down, switching her skates to her sneakers again.

"Wait what do you mean?" The blonde girl turned her body to the brunette. "I'm going to Los Angeles to play for Team U.S.A in the junior goodwill games—" she began, getting cut off by one of her brothers friends. "Hey congrats little Henderson!" He yelled, she just smiled back.

"Wait— the junior goodwill games?!" Violets face lit up, "oh my god Darcy! This is amazing! I need to fly out and watch some of the games I can't wait, this is great!" She cheered, getting a few stares from some student.

"Your not mad I didn't tell you when I first found out?" Darcy questioned, a little taken back by how happy her friend was. "No what the fuck idiot I'm so proud of you! If you meet a cute boy you have to tell me everything!" She rambled on.

"Vi, Vi calm yourself down, we still have one class before I leave" Darcy chuckled at her friend. "But honestly though, save one of the cute boys for me" vi winked, the two of them laughing.

The two hours they had left went by quickly, along with getting to the airport. "Hey, I'll see you at one of your games okay, along with Violet and mom and dad" Corey pulled his sister into a hug. "Love you douche bag" she whispered, ruffling his hair before waving goodbye to her family and friends.

Darcy walked off, hearing a few quiet sobs coming from her mom. At just 13, Darcy was going to be competing in a world wide hockey tournament. It was something she had never done before but was extremely excited and also nervous.

A flight attendant got her seated and helped with her luggage as she was there to look after her on the flight. Out of luck, Darcy had a whole row to herself. The 5 and a half our flight didn't actually go that quick. It felt like she was waiting for the world to end.

An hour, two and a half hours, three hours, four hours, five hours, five and a half hours.

Darcy was woken up by the plane landing on the ground and the flight attendant helped her with her things. Minneapolis was weirdly similar to New York but without all the noise and tall buildings and bright lights.

She made her way around the huge airport to the entrance as she looked around for a man with her name on a sign. She read each one aloud under her breath until she spotted hers.

"Henderson" she smiled, walking over to the man. "You must be Miss Darcy Henderson, Team USA?" The man asked.

"Yup that's me" she smiled, her accent sounding totally different to his. She followed him outside where a limo was waiting. "Holy shit" she mumbled as the man took her bag and put them in the trunk.

"Hop in, I'll take you to the hotel" he smiled, getting into the front of it.

This can't be real . . . If only Violet was here she'd be screaming at the top of her lungs, Darcy thought as she climbed into the limo. It was huge, way different to the yellow taxi cabs back in New York. "Okay, your room number is B32 and your sharing with one of the other team members." He told her.

Darcy made her way to her room after he pulled up and she carried her bags. She opened the door to reveal a two bedded room that looked like your average hotel.

A blonde girl popped her head around the corner with a smile, "ah! You must be one of the others" she got up and helped her with her bags. "Julie Gaffney, Maine's best junior goalie" she smiled, holding out her hand.

Darcy took her hand and shook it before answering back, "Darcy Henderson, New York's greatest junior defenceman. Played for the Manhattan Wolves." "The Wolves? Wow your team is great, I've read about them" she smiled. Julie helped Darcy settle in and they bonded a little.

"Tell me about you" Darcy sat on her bed across from Julie. "Well, i can definitely catch pucks and can block them, In Bangor I was the best junior goalie. And I mean in the whole of Bangor, Maine." She chuckled softly. "That's awesome" Darcy chuckled along with her.

"So, what about you Henderson?" Julie rested her hand on her fist. "Well I'm a good defenceman, I'm the fasted backwards skater in the New York juniors league and I can dead-ass play mind games" she nodded, thinking that's about it.

"Mind games?" Julie questioned as her confusion was showing. "I distract players a lot and then steal the puck from them— basically I talk a lot" she smiles cheekily and Julie laughed softly.

The new players for team USA had been told they get two free dinners, two free breakfasts and then they're meeting the new team. "I heard that there's four other new players along with us, wanna go get some dinner and meet them?" Julie suggested.

"Yeah, why not kid" Darcy smiled. "Kid?" Julie questioned. "Sorry, used to calling the other New Yorkers kid, just a term for a friend" Darcy explained to the girl, the two of them putting on their hole town teams jackets.

Julie lead Darcy down to the food hall the hotel had and looked around for other kids in jerseys. "Over there" Darcy pointed to a table that had four boys in jerseys on.

"Hi! Julie Gaffney, this is Darcy Henderson. Are you guys on Team USA?" She introduced herself to them, a bright smile on her face. "Yeah, take a seat ladies" one of them said in a southern accent.

The six of them sat together, eating their food and got to know each other. "Dean Portman from Chicago" he nodded his head proudly. "Kenny Wu, former Olympic figure skater from San Francisco, California" the small one introduced. "Dwayne Robertson from Austin Texas, yee-haw" he sang. He really was your typical cowboy.

"Luis Mendoza, clocked fasted time from blue line to blue line is 1.9, kinda have trouble stopping and I played for my home team in Miami" he winked at Darcy and Julie, obviously a flirty kind.

"Julie Gaffney, best goalie on my team back in Bangor, Maine" she smiled proudly. "Darcy Henderson, quickest backwards skater, best talker and defenceman, I played for the Manhattan Wolves back in NYC" Darcy tells the small group, giving them a smile.

The rest of the day, the group got to know each other before heading back to their rooms. "Wake me up at 7:30, that's when we need to meet the rest of the team" Darcy groaned as she flopped onto her bed.

"Night Darcy" Julie switched the light off. "Night Julie 'the cat' Gaffney." She chuckled under her breath before driving into a deep sleep.

JUNE 7TH 2021

𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐎𝐍 𝐈𝐂𝐄 , charlie conway Where stories live. Discover now