The begining

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"Wake up!" My dad yelled,"you're going to be late for computer coding and video game design classes!" I woke up got dressed then brushed my teeth. When I was there I didn't have a clue onto what my video game was going to be about, all I know was that I want the game to be adventure\fighting game. After that I found my friends at my house calling a rematch on super smash bros 4. I won 19 out of 0(ok so this is real I did actually won 19/0). "No fair!" TRINA called out. Nicole stayed quiet, later Athina came. We all started playing again and Athina did win for 1 or 2 rounds then I started getting my wins back for 14 rounds straight. Later Trina shouted, "How are you so good? I swear you practice this everyday!" . I answer back,"I barely play this, mostly spend my time watching Doctor Who, playing Loz The Wind Waker HD or Hyrule Warriors.". "Show off." , Trina said in a sassy tone. Well I don't think I'm show off like I mean she asked. Then later I had an idea for my game," OH I KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!!!"

Part 2 later

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