chapter one

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after months stiles is finally
coming back to his old hyperactive sarcastic self. He knows that what happened while void took over wasn't his fault. He still feels bad about what happened to Allison so he sometimes has really bad days but he gets through it. He's starting to come around the pack more but he doesn't talk as much as usual.

Today was a pack meeting just to see how everyone was adjusting because wasn't anything serious going on now. Stiles knew he had to be there even though he didn't want to be. With an attitude he still showed up. He pulled up to Scott's house being the last one to get there he came in getting annoyed looks from the rest of the pack .

Derek was the first one to speak "Where were you that was so important to show up to a pack meeting 20 minutes late. Stiles being already annoyed responded with " I really don't care you lucky i even came". Getting shocked looks from everyone but the alpha. Stiles sat down near the window ignore how everyone was looking at him.

He zones out for most of the meeting before he felt his phone ring. One thing nobody know is that stiles has started smoking to help him with his anxiety and his new depression.

Stiles answers getting up and walks outside its was his dealer that he gets his weed from basically calling his telling his to come get what he asked for . Stiles walks in the house and tell the pack he will be back in ten minutes.

He leave and comes back as soon as he walks through the door the pack can smell it on him he goes back to he seat by the window as soon as he finally looks up he sees all the werewolves focused on him.

He gives them confused looks and then Scott says "why do you smell like weed" and it fully caught stiles of guard only thing he says is "mind yours". He didn't think they would smell it on him even though he dropped it off home before he came back.

Everyone just started at him shocked. Stiles was the one who never even looked or thought about drugs plus he's only 16. Stiles was gong through some changes of his own to adjust and get better. He no longer wanted to be the helpless annoying human that always got pushed around.

The meeting was just about done when he got a call from his dad he answered it and instantly heard the sheriff say "i got a call about a body in the woods you might wanna come see this".

He hung up told the pack what his dad said and grabbed his stuff he rode with Derek. Everyone else went in his jeep and and Jackson and Lydia's cars. They make it to the woods and only Derek, stiles, and Scott.

They walk to the sheriff and see the clawed up body in front of them. It was the body of a man whose throat was ripped out and be had slash marks all down his face arms and back like he was fighting someone back . Stiles looked at the alphas and said "do you know him or anyone who does well that " referring to how he was killed .

Both alphas looked at each other then back at stile and said they never seen anything like it before and never seen him.

Stiles was curious and started to look closer at the ground around the body and saw a weird like overlapping triangle symbol. He pulled his phone out and took a picture of it and showed the two alphas and his dad and asked did her recognize the marking they were all clueless of what it was or meant.

Stiles said bye to his dad and walked back to Derek's car. Scott told him he will drop the jeep of tonight and he sent the symbol to Lydia as a encrypted file only they knew the password too then everyone pulled off .

After Derek pulled off he asked stiles if it was okay if they talk before dropping him off . He agreed and asked if they could get food. Its stiles of course he's hungry. The picture at the first page is the symbol stiles found

A/N: Hi guys this is my first book so i'm trying and i hope you love it bye loves ~💕

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