what kind of game are you playing?

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Bella's POV
"I dare you to have Jade do your makeup while sitting in your lap."
"Okay, I mean if she's comfortable with that."
"Yeah, I'm fine with it."
Jade scooched over and sat in my lap and started doing my makeup, I could feel the gentle yet quick strokes of the makeup brush and the heat of her body, I stared into her beautiful turquoise as she applied the makeup.

"Done" said. As she began to get up I grabbed  her hand.
"You can stay here if you want" I said as I started to go pink. she sat back down in my lap this time facing the others.
"Alright lovebirds it's time for someone else to have a turn" Ruby called out causing my face to go even redder. Jade whispered her plan for revenge in my ear.

"Truth or dare... Skyler?" I asked (step 1 complete)
"Dare." She replied, (step 2 done)
"I dare you to sit in Ruby's lap until either of you get asked a question" (step 3) Skyler got up and placed herself I Ruby's lap, as she did Both their face turned bright red (step 4, the mission was a success)

Violet POV
"Ok, Skyler ask someone."
"Truth or dare, Violet?" She asked.
"Truth." I replied.
"What are 3 thing you like about Sunny?"
"Come on it shouldn't be that hard she's your best friend." Jade said. I saw Sunny's face drop.
"Um... she's kind, she always sees the best in people, she has a smile that's contagious and she's really pretty." I said.
"Awwww, thanks"

"Ok, let's move on now. Poppy, Truth or dare?" I said.
"Truth." she replied.
"What music do you listen to?" I asked.
"Heavy metal." she answered.
"Wait really?" Jade asked.
"Yeah, It keeps me grounded."

"Ruby, truth or dare?" Poppy asked.
"Dare." She replied.
"I dare you to kiss the person you would most likely date." Poppy said.

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