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Damien couldn't stop the adrenaline rush that he felt. Sitting in the private room he waited for a little while. He knew she definitely was not going to go to the 'bathroom', he also knew she wasn't going to do anything crazy either.

He sat there giving her a little bit of time to take her time, give her some hope and then ruin it and then teach her lesson maybe.

He was wondering whether to be a bit hard or easy. He hasn't punished her for a long time, and in the past her punished her by not giving her sweets and candy or getting her to stay in the room. But he can't go with those punishments anymore, she isn't small.

He can't punish her the way he does his enemies.

He never gave it a thought because after she left, he didn't want to think about her with him. He tried to let her be and tried to let her live his life.

But how is he suppose to her be now. She doesn't eat, she cannot protect her self, she cannot even reject invitations by men, she is a complete push over!

This is what he thought since everytime he came across her she was in some type of problem. He didnt know she was super independent and she was what others would say a powerful female, with good grades, able to defend herself and even though she doesn't work she is very careful with the money around her and she protects her friends.

In his mind, she needed him and he needed her so he will get her.

Just then his phone rang, Damien answered it robotically, "speak "

"Boss, she climbed ran out of the kitchen back door, we are following her right now, what are your orders?" the voice said grimly. It was one of the security gaurds, they were scattered all over the place and was hiding with the crowd.

"Dont do anything. I'll catch her myself." He simply said with a smile.

Looks like he will have to teach his Rosalie some manners. He didnt want his men running after her, he can do it himself.

After all before being the leader of the underworld, he was the member of the mob who collected money and dealt with the enemies. He had a lot of running he had to do and he knew the streets better than anyone ever will. He knew when someone runs how to easily catch them. Even though he hasn't ran after anybody in a long time since he had men working for him now, he couldn't possibly get others to catch his Rosalie, it infuriated him just thinking about others running after her as if to catch an escaped animal. No! he would catch her himself, he also made up his mind to teach her a lesson she wouldn't forget. If she had her memories she would have behaved but he will have to forgive a little.

Getting up he removed his coat and walked out, Frederick looked at him with questions.

"Mr Frederick please pack our food to go. And hand it to that man" Damien politely said, and pointed at another body gaurd who was in the restaurant discretely. When Damien pointed at him the body gaurd stood up and walked over quickly.

"Oh is the seating arrangements not comfortable" Fredrick was panicking. He didnt know why, but he wanted them to stay longer. He wanted to ask them questions. He realised the girl was not there and he was about to ask about the girl but Damien replied before he was bombarded with more questions,he had a chase to go on quickly too... didn't want his prey going too far.

"Listen Mr Frederick everything was perfect, but circumstances dicated the situation i am in now. We will come again later in better time. For now thank you for the lovely service. Take care" was all Damien said and walked away..

Frederick looked at the back of the man who was walking away from him.He pictured the smaller version of Damien jn his mind from his memories.


"That is not how you peel a potato you brat!" Frederick snapped at the child who had butchered a poor potato.

The child just glared at the potato as if it was the potato's fault. Stupid potato.

"Okay listen here kid this is how you do it" Frederick calmly showed the child again.

"Can't I do something else!" The boy grumbled.

"Listen here kid.... if tou can't peel a simple potato how are you supposed to do anythint else!" The old man snickered. "Like i dont know... protecting and looking after a little girl"

Damien froze when he heard this. Damn it he had a point. This sentence affected Damien is such a way Frederick never knew about. What Frederick said that day made him realise that he needed to be able to do anything including the small things to protect her.

So he learnt how to peel potatoes perfectly. He learned how to do this perfectly from then onwards. Because everything he did, was for her and was for her safety, protection and her wellbeing. So he did it perfectly.

Frederick saw the boy walk and talk in a different way after learning to built potatoes. The last day Frederick saw him when he was small was when Damien walked out of the restaurant after a day's of work, carrying back left over food and some clothes Frederick had. Fredrick remembers how he started back at damiens retreating figure and wondered how the boy would turn out.


And damn, looking at the same grown up childs walk, Frederick was so happy to see the young juvenile boy carrying himself as if he was some sort of god walking amongst humans. And as it was back then, even now Frederick knew that the retreating figure of Damiens back that Damien was going back to his Rosalie.

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