Chapter 1 Preview

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It was a bright day in South Dakota, Chamberlain the sun was slowly rising and the birds were singing. Inside a Hospital on the third floor, was a teenager named Y/n L/n he is currently sitting by the bed while his parents talked outside. Sarah was calmly sleeping in her bed, her heart monitor beeped. Y/n was an average build teenager, he mostly wore gry t-shirts with camouflage pants. Covering his face was a pair of sunglasses, they were dark enough where you can't see his eyes, but he could clearly see everything in front of him.

Y/n: "You know you're giving everyone a scare... Falling in the middle of the hallway like that, you should've stayed home. Where dad could watch you while I took mom to work, and I go to school. Yet, you begged mom and dad so I could bring you to school...."

He said to her but got no response. He was holding her hand and was rubbing her knuckles with his thumb. He knew she wouldn't respond to him, but he kept talking thinking maybe he could get something out of her. Just a simple grip on his hand, and fidget, just something that would let him know she is alright. 

Y/n: "How about when you wake up I'll take you to the mall? I'll even go into Build-A-Bear with you, so please just wake up....."

He then put his head on the bed's railing after saying that, a few seconds later he still got no response. That's when his parents came in and put a hand on his shoulder, Y/n looks up at them and he tells him it's time to leave.

Stan: "We need to go, kid."

Edalyn: "He's right, we'll come back tomorrow to check up on your sister."

Y/n nods before getting up, Stan and Edalyn walk over to Sarah before kissing her forehead and praying for her. After leaving the room, the trio walks down into the parking lot and gets into the car it was a silent car drive until Edalyn said something.

Edalyn: "How are we going to pay the medical bills?"

Stan: "I don't know, I already have two jobs and you spend most of your time hunting to sell its hide. You need another job cause that's not enough!"

He yelled at her, that was one grave mistake. Edalyn looks at him with narrow eyes before yelling at him.

Edalyn: "Not enough!! I spend most of my day hunting, just to give us money for food! What I do isn't easy, I don't see you waking up at the crack of dawn and not getting back until ten at night!"

This kept going, but Y/n just sat in the back looking at his watch. It was a family heirloom, it came from his father's side. Stan was given it by his father, and his father was given it by his father, and so on. It's the only thing, Stan didn't sell that belonged to his family and gave it to Y/n. He watched the hands on the watch tick by, and finally, he looked at his parents.

Y/n: "Then how about I get a job?"

He said and this made his parents stop yelling, they both looked at each other before Stan looked through the rearview mirror.

Stan: "Kid you do-"

He was going to say something until Stan was interrupted by Y/n.

Y/n: "Don't even finish that sentence. It's a lie, I can get a job with my photographic memory there isn't anything I can't learn. I speak more than three languages, and I am an excellent worker."

After that, his parents started to think about it. If he got a job, and a good one he could help them with the medical bills and other things. That's when Stan looked at him and sighed before agreeing with him.

Stand: "You can get one, but it's up to you."

Y/n nodded and went back to being silent. He could hear his parents apologizing to each other, and that made him smile. Like every parent they argue, but only because something is worrying them or one lied about something. Then they talk it out before making up with each other, later at home Y/n was on his computer looking for a job. 

Y/n: "None of these jobs are good enough! They either don't pay enough or just not worth it..."

That's when he saw an internship, it was perfect. It would pay one thousand dollars a week and he would be doing multiply jobs either indoors or outside with a mentor. Smiling at the chance he took it and signed everything but one made a grave mistake. While signing he accepted that he would be working with dinosaurs.

Y/n: "Well now I got to wait, and tell mom and dad."

After that he did, his parents were surprised and confused about the job.Y/n then wished his parents goodnight, before taking off his sunglasses to put on a sleeping mask. He laid down on his bed looking at the roof.

Y/n: "Goodnight, Sarah."

He whispered before falling asleep. The next morning Y/n got an email that said the Internship was his. This made him smile, and then was told to bring certain supplies, and that he would need to be in Costa Rica.

Y/n: "Looks like I'm going to Costa Rica?"

Edalyn: "Costa Rica? Isn't that a little far?"

Y/n: "It is, but the pay is worth it. With the money I could make we will be able to pay the medical bills."

Stan: "Then it's time to back."

He said, and Y/n starts doing that going through all his clothes and brings his toothbrush, toothpaste, extra four extra pair of sunglasses. Later in the day, he went to visit Sarah before he left.

Y/n: "You won't believe it I got a job in Costa Rica. It's a simple internship, so you don't need to worry nothing bad can happen."

Y/n said to Sarah, he kissed her forehead before leaving. Making his way to the car, he sits in the front seat while Heather drives him home. That night he was anxious, Y/n is leaving home and his family but this job is for his family. Early morning Y/n wakes up and yawns, he gets in the shower wearing swimming goggles then gets dressed. 

Stan: "We don't want to miss your flight, so it's time to go."

He said tiredly before leaving the house, Edalyn already left but she left him a snack for the ride over to the airport. On their way, there would eat his snack/breakfast while talking with his dad.

Stan: "Are you sure you want to do this?"

Y/n: "Yes I am, this is the best chance we got at getting some money. And before you ask about the school you do know I already have my high school diploma. I just go for social interaction, and even then I just leave halfway through the school day."

Stan: "I wasn't talking about that, I'm just saying this seems too good to be true. Did you read everything, and I mean everything."

Y/n: "Yes, I read everything. I remember every single word in the contract I signed, and I remember the font style they used."

He said annoyed and looked out the window watching cars go by. Stan looked over to his son, before pulling something out from the middle console.

Stan: "Here I want you to have this."

He said holding something out for Y/n, he looked over to see Stan holding a walkman? Y/n looked over to his dad, before taking it. He looks at the old walkman before giving his dad a confused look.

Stan: "It's for the plane ride, I know you have your phone but if you listen to the songs on that you'll feel much better about a lot of things."

Y/n: "Alright, I'll bite."

Stan: "Just press rewind and then play."

He clips the walkman onto his pants and puts on the headphones. Y/n looked down and press rewind and he could hear the music starts to rewind in the headphones before he pressed play on the walkman.

Y/n starts to nod his head to the music, and the car ride was silent from then on out. On the occasion, Y/n would sing a lyric from the song, and oddly when the song did end instead of listening to the other songs. He would rewind that one song, when they got to the airport Y/n was looking at the entrance.

Y/n: "This is it."

Stan: "We can go back if you want."

Y/n looked at his dad before shaking his head lightly, he hugs them before walking through security. 

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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Jurassic Internship (Male Reader x Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang