The difference

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 About Keith

//This is my first story in here. No one's probably reading it hahahaha 

//I hope you enjoy

//btw some parts are true story

First day when I was 11 years old was a memory that I could still remember.

I entered the classroom and hoping to get along with the new faces.

I smiled to my friend hana as she came near me "Marie!"  She shouted excitedly.

Hana was my friend when I was 9, we met at a cram school and eventually became

close friends since I transferred to the morning class

We exchanged greeting and talked

It was a simple school life when I was in elementary. I had good friends,I had crushes, my grades were...

average and lastly I was happy.

and then he came, The guy that just came from the front door with loud noises that surrounds eventually became quiet for me.

his name is keith anderson but at that time I still didn't know why his name is stuck in my head.

I stared at him because I was curious. He looked so quiet,thin and at the same time there is this cool

air around him. Yes, Since first time I met him my eyes already followed him. 

The seating arrangement changes. Coincidentally keith is on my back.

Not only that as time goes by we gradually became friends. not close friends though but it was still good.

At that time, Some of my friends knew that I liked keith and one friend told him.

During that time his treatment changes. From the normal treatment  to a cold one.

Despite of that my heart beats really fast when he's near me

He pulled my clip on my hair while I faced back "give that back!"

"No" he puts out his tongue and he pulls his hands away from me

I stood up and tried to get the clip from him "I said give it back!" 

He avoided me seriously just so I can't get the clip so I gave up. I was tired

Even at the end of school he called me stupid names.  

I screamed to him "Malnourish!" 

yeah he seemed angry with it.

He runs everytime he calls me names,steps on my foot,insults me. 


one time when I lost my bag he came to me and said "Have you found your bag yet?"

I was quiet at first but ended up telling him  I didn't.

That was probably the only time he cared.

Or was it really?

Things gotten worse in one year though. I ignored keith and keith stopped the bullying. 

It ended where we just pass each other without saying goodbye in graduation.

but it was not a goodbye

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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