Chapter 1

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disclaimer i do not own danny phantom Butch Hartmens owns that

I was starting to get ready for my job at the Nasty Burger, when I heard a knock on my window. I go and open my window and all I see is Danny Phantom floating there with tears in his eyes while holding a limp girl that I recognized as Danielle Phantom, Danny's Phantom's cousin, he was blabbering about something but I couldn't hear between the sobs.

"What do you want ghost boy and please speak more clearly I cant understand you" I said i went and sat on my bed then he came over and laid Danielle down and when I got the chance to look at her she looked absolutely horrible and terribly beat up. When the ghost boy finally stopped pacing he talked more clearly and said.

"I need your help, the people who normally help me on times like these had some family things to do and I need your help please, she came back and was like this, expect not passed out, and I am really worried and I don't know what to do and I just need help... PLEASE!"

"Ok, ok hold on I will help you just calm down it will be fine" I said and something popped in my mind why did I say that to him and helping him? Why do you feel so comfortable talking to him? REMEMBER HE IS MY ENEMY!

I ran to my bathroom trying to organize my thought while I get some first aid kit. While I stood there looking at my reflection I heard a loud crash. I ran into my room and saw the ghost boy passed out on my floor with a few darts sticking out of his back. I recognize those dart... now where is the owner? I turned around just in time to miss a couple darts that were inches from my head. I grabbed my ecto-gun and ran towards Skulker attacking him; as I ran towards him I trip over something (though I still somehow manage to hit Skulker)I look back and see book bag that did not belong to me it was very familiar and what was next to it was the ghost boy. I shook my head where have I seen that book bag my thoughts were interrupted by the high pitched sound of a dart flying only inches by my face. I look around my room to see anything that might help me catch Skulker, when suddenly I see something glinting from my left on my floor. I dodge Skulker's attack and roll to where the object is; I picked it up and instantly recognized it as the Fenton Thermos. I take it and trying my best to copy Phantoms moves and I suck Skulker into the thermos. I run over to Phantom to see what happened to him, a few seconds after coming to him two bright rings appeared around his waist; I jump back scared that he might be awake and planning an attack on me but instead one ring went down his legs revealing a very familiar pair of jeans and shoes and the ring disappeared not going anywhere near me. The other ring traveled up and changed the top of his hazmat suit to the very now recognizable white t-shirt and black hair. Suddenly his eyes opened and I saw those icy blue eyes that I once fell in love with and might still be in love with...

"Huh? What?" he sat there looking for something and they he looked like he forgot something important somewhere "DANIELLE!"

"No need to yell she is laying there before everything happened she will be fine" I said calmly trying to assure him even though I have done nothing at all to her.

"Ummm... ok thanks for your help I think I should go now and get her home somewhere safe for tonight so I will see you in our next battle?"

"Before you leave you should look at yourself in the mirror" trying to tell him that he switched back but also trying not to be obvious so I don't freak him out to bad. He looked at me confused then he look down and saw his normal pair of jeans instead of the bottom half of his hazmat suit. He sighed knowing that this was not good.

"Look Val I'm sorry I meant to tell you and things ju-"Danny started to talk frantically

"Danny, Danny its ok I'm not going to hurt you I am just taken back a little and surprised that's all" I said giggling at the way he was talking. He is soo cute. Danny took in a breath about to say something but then stopped and he looked like he was thinking about what he is going say next.

"You don't mind?" Danny asked kind of taken back to by my reaction to what just happened.

"No, I guess deep down I kind of knew, something was off ever since the beginning of freshmen year and when Danny Phantom around something just clicked and I never truly looked into it till now, but one thing that does confuse me and always led me off that trail was why you did all those things like rob the bank, kidnap the mayor, or let that dog ruin my dads job etc" I said on the verge to tears remembering that day and now knowing that my best friend/crush did this to me.

"Val, they were all misunderstandings and sometime soon I can explain them but for now we need to help Dani, because I know you were lying, because I can sometimes tell when people lie but I wasn't going to bother you with it anymore so I was going to find someone else"

"Ok, well I will help Dani but do you think it will be fine if she would stay here at my place so she is not in danger everyday by your parents, and I know that you have to deal with that but your also older than her and can handle more because you have had more of a practice than she has and I am pretty sure my dad wont mind having a another girl around the house and I- we could get her enrolled at Casper High as soon as possible so you can see her and she would have to stick around and she wont get hurt as bad anymore."

Danny thought for a moment " I guess your right as much as I would like for her to stay with me, she would be safer here and that will be good with the whole school thing and Vlaerie" Danny switched back to his ghost half "maybe, if your not busy tomorrow or something, I can take you out for dinner?"

I blushed and replied "yes, that sounds absolutely amazing see you then. Goodnight, ghostboy"

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