Chapter One

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Skylar sat poised on the stairs as she waited for her mother's answer.

"No." Her mother Willow strayed her eyes from the orange tree blossom to answer her daughter before returning her gaze.

"But mother, it's my eighteenth birthday. Please let me go. I'll be a hundred percent responsible." Skylar tried to argue but there was no room for disscusion.

"My answer is no. There are horrible people out there, that will take you away. No go to your room and come down at 5:00 for dinner." She ordered.

Skylar stood from her seat and stomped up the stairs to her bedroom.

"Stupid rules. I'm going to be eighteen, I should be able to do whatever I want." She slammed her door and threw herself on the bed. Only three more months and she would be free from her mothers grip. She reached for her phone and texted her bestfriend Cassidy.

'Mom won't let me come :('

Within two minutes she had replied.

'You are going to sneek out understood'

Skylar had never thought of sneeking out. It couldn't be too hard, besides there was a tree conviently placed a few feet from her window.

'Yes ma'am. G2G see ya later'

Dinner between the mother and daughter was tense. Skylar was still angry at her mothers descion and refused to talk. Willow knew things that Skylar wouldn't find out until after she was eighteen, and even then she still might not understand.

When Skylar was done doing the dishes Willow had kissed her goodnoght and was already fast asleep.

Upstairs Skylar got ready in a dark green crop top and overalls that were shorts. She paried the out fit with white converse hightops and a simple elephant necklace. Her long dark curly hair sat past her shoulders in loose messy braids. She wore little make-up only consiting of eyeliner, masscara, and lip gloss.

On her bed her phone buzzed alerting her that Cassidy was outside. She put her phone in one of her pockets bfore opening the window just enoygh to get outside. She grabbed on to a brach and swung herself on to the tree and climbed effortlessly down.

Soon enough she was walking to Cassidy's shiny silver sports car where she could see her best friend singing along to a song on the radio. Cassidy was a beautiful leggy blonde with a kind nature. She made all the guys go crazy and had girls envy her all over school.

"I can't wait! This is going to be so much fun! I heard that Brandon, Felix, and Eddie will be there tonight. Maybe Eddie will finally ask me out." Cassdiy chattered as they sped off down the street. The three boys practically ruled the school. They were all brothers but they couldn't be any more different. Eddie was class president and did anything academic related. He would be the true king of the school. Brandon was the athletic one. Anything you could train for he did it. Then there was Felix. He wasn't the smart one, nor the athletic one. He was the dark scary troublemaker. They were all three incredibly breathtaking, cocky, and competitive.

Cassidy had been crushing on Eddie since the second grade. Sure she went out with a new guy about every month, but she always claimed to be in love with Eddie.

"Yeah maybe." Skylar answered nolachtanly as she watched the houses gradually become farther apart. The party they were attending was out at a pavillion by the lake where most of Legacy High students went to parties every weekend.

Cassidy slowed to a stop when they saw cars from other teenagers and could hear the music pulse. They hurridly got out of the car and walked to the party. Everywhere people were talking and hanging out. The students at Legacy weren't like most that went out and got drunk. Sure they drank and hooked up at parties but they were more about hanging out with their friends.

Soon the two best friends had lost each other and were hanging out with other people as they giggled and talked.

Everyone knew when the three brothers had arrived and people vied for the chance to talk to any of them.

From her spot Skylar saw Eddie make his way over to Cassidy and lead over to the picnic tables. Brandon went to his some of his teamates and they all began running to the lake. Felix walked to the coolers that just so happened to be where she was standing. He dung around in all of them before heaving out an annoyed sigh.

"Do you know if there's any water?" He asked Skylar. His strong chisled jaw had stuble on it and his brown eyes looked bored. He was easily two feet taller than her and had muscles that made her knees weak.

"Uh you can have mine. I haven't opened it yet." She passed over the bottle of water and grabbed and soda out of on of the coolers instead.

"What's your name?" Felix was searching his mind for when he might have seen this beautiful girl.


"That's a pretty name. I'm Felix." He introduced himself.

"Thanks, and I know. Everyone knows you and your brothers." Skylar pointed out.

"Well, I'm trying to figure out why I don't know you." Felix replied with a cheeky grin.
Skylar got butterflies when she looked at his smile.
'Isn't he supposed to be dark and brooding? Lonely and mean?'
She asked herself but when her heart fluttered she had a new thought.
'I cannot be crushing on a dark soul.'
Sorry if this short or confusing. Something a little different and thought I'd give it a try. Vote, comment for me to keep going!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2015 ⏰

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