Chapter One: Metacrisis Doctor's Double Surprise

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Chapter One: Metacrisis Doctor's Double Surprise


The Doctor froze at hearing the voice. He knew that voice. It was his voice.

"But .. But .. What? What?! No!"

"Oh, yes. It's me. Though, strictly speaking, you too. John Smith though. May as well take your name. Well, the Master's name. Same difference, eh? Hated those two. Not my cup of tea at all. Speaking of which, would love a cuppa. May I?"

"No! Stop. Slow down .. John."

The Metacrisis Doctor beamed at him cheerfully, his hair spiked up as usual. He wore a light blue shirt underneath a dark blue suit jacket to match his trousers, and white trainers with an unrecognisable blue logo. Parallel Earth logo.

"Maybe I should change it to James, actually. John, or James? No .. John, I'll keep it as John. Mr John Smith. Brilliant!"

"JOHN!" the Doctor yelled this time, glaring at John Smith with light blue eyes.

"Blimey! You look like Jacky boy. How is he? You have seen him, right?"

"John, shut. Up," he told him slowly and forcefully.

John silenced, watching him with an innocent expression.

"Now, tell me .. What are you doing here, how did you get here, and what happened to Rose? Actually, switch those questions around. Now," the Doctor coldly told him, folding his arms over his black suit jacket.

Sighing, John began. "Rose is dead. She .. She died during childbirth. She had a little girl. My baby Eve. We always liked that name, didn't we? Eve Smith. And - sorry. Right .. I just worked out a few things, and I managed to create my own teleporter, which got me across in here after I used my biology to find where you are. I have something for you to know."

The Doctor listened to his words, first shock at the very first, and ending with confusion, frowning at him. "Is it anything to do with me hearing four hearts in this room?" he queried, arching an eyebrow.

John grinned, "That'd be it. I have managed to obtain a regenerative cycle. Brilliant, isn't it?"

"How?" demanded the Doctor. This did not sound good, at all.

"Oh, I found this Time Lady a few weeks ago. She was shot by a Dalek, and was about to regenerate. I touched her, and siphoned off her regenerative energy. She died. Shame," John spoke with a dismissive tone, as if it did not matter to him.

"Rose was meant to stop you! Influence you! You're still .." the Doctor angrily yelled before trailing off. "You let an innocent, dying woman be killed, pointlessly. Just so you could live longer .."

John shrugged, again dismissive. "And? I wanted to come home. This is my universe too."

The Doctor rested his forehead on the console, pondering to himself about his reply. "There were Time Lords and Ladies there?" he whispered. "Was Gallifrey?"

"Yes and no. Gallifrey was burning .. It fell into one of the suns .. There were few Time Lords and Ladies left .. She was the last Lady," John answered him.

"You. Killed. The. Last. Time. Lady?" growled the Doctor furiously.

Nodding, John watched him for a moment, and then gave a smile, "Bit angry, aren't we?"

"Yes. On the day you were born, you committed genocide! Now I learn that you have since killed one of our own kind. You're no better than the Master."

"You've committed genocide yourself. And killed many people. I have your memories, remember?"

"You don't care, do you?"

"Not particularly," John answered him truthfully. "The universe is full of death, and pain. We both know that. Everyone dies, eventually. At least once. We'll both die too. But I have no desire to die soon. That's why I did it."

The Doctor wordlessly stared at him, shocked at his philosophy. It was true, yes. But John cared so little.

"So .. Now, knowing you, I'll be your prisoner slash companion, you'll be keeping a close eye on me as we travel the world. Now .. Not got any companions? Ooh .. You do. Owen Harper .. Sorry, Doctor Owen Harper. Where is he then?"

"Why don't I like your tone right now?" the Doctor asked quietly. "You're so cold, John .. So stone-cold .. Dangerous."

John gave him a smirk, "I apologise." He did not sound even the least bit apologetic. "You don't trust me .."

"Of course I don't," the Doctor shot him a glare. "Just .. Find a empty room and stay there for the meanwhile. I have things to do. Go. Now!" he shouted the last part as the Metacrisis Doctor made no move.

With a sigh, John made for the corridors, finding the room next to the Doctor's empty, and walking in, slamming the door shut behind him.

The Doctor slid to the ground, leaning back against the console and drawing his hands down his face, before placing the palms together. "What do I do?" he whispered to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2011 ⏰

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