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Mia and Jack are playing on the beach while Brian, Dom, Nat, Letty, Tej, Rome, and Ramsey sit around watching and talking.
"Daddy! Come play!" Mia yells at Brian for Jack.
"Yeah," Brian says with a smile.
"Look at him. Look at him," Mia tells Jack as she points at Brian before Jack runs over to Brian.
"Yeah, buddy," Brian says as he picks Jack up.
"Duty calls," Letty says with a smile.
"It does," Brian says in agreement.
"Hey, babe. Come on," Mia says as Brian gets up.
"Let's get Mama. Yeah!" Brian tells Jack as they make their way over to Mia. "Here we go!"
"Because the sun is out, I'm kind of medium rare, but I can get, like, well done. Like, really dark," Rome rambles as he talks to Tej and Ramsey. Tej nudges Rome as he watches Brian, Mia, and Jack. "What you nudging me for?"
"Close your mouth for two seconds," Tej tells him before pointing at Mia, Brian, and Jack. "Just open your eyes, man." Brian picks up Jack with a smile on his face.
"Beautiful," Rome says as he watches.
"That's where he belongs," Nat says as she watches as she stands up rubbing her very pregnant belly.
"Home," Dom says in agreement with her. "Where he's always belonged." Nat looks over at Dom with a small smile before looking back at Brian and Mia.
"Things are gonna be different now," Rome says with a small smile causing Tej to smile and nod in agreement. Brian picks Jack back up as Dom stands up beside Nat.
"You aren't going to say goodbye?" Ramsey asks Dom and Nat as they start walking away.
"It's never goodbye," Dom answers her as they watch Brian hold Jack and wrap an arm around Mia. Brian kisses Mia before he hears Dom's car.

Dom is driving before he comes to a stop at a four way stop.
"Hey," Brian says as he pulls up beside Dom. "You thought you both could leave without saying goodbye?"
"I used to say I live my life a quarter-mile at a time," Dom thinks with a smile. "And I think that's why we were brothers. Because you did too."

"All right, what the hell is this?" Natalie says as she, Dom and Jesse walk over to the door.
"What do you got there?" Dom asks as Brian walks over to them.
"This is your car," Brian answers him.
"My car?" Dom asks as Jesse hits the car. "I said a 10-second car, not a 10-minute car."
"You could push this across the finish line, or tow it," Jesse says causing Natalie and Letty to laugh.
"You couldn't even tow that across the finish line," Natalie adds causing Letty to give her a high five.

Dom and Brian jumping the tracks in front of the train.

Brian handing Dom his keys.

"Hey, Mia, you better hide your baby oil," Rome says causing Nat to smile and shake her head. "I'm just playing."
"You better hide that big ass forehead," Hobbs retorts causing Tej to spit out his beer and Nat to laugh.
"I was just joking but whatever," Rome says offended. "Definitely not that funny."
"It's official," Hobbs says as he stand in front of Letty, Brian, Mia, Nat, and Dom. "You're all free."

"Home sweet home," Nat says as Dom pulls up at a street race, while Brian and Dom look around with smiles on their faces. They get out of the car, with Dom grabbing Nat's hand, before looking around at all of the other cars.

"Good race, O'Conner," Dom says as he and Nat walk over to the others.
"Thanks, Dom," Brian says before turning to Rome and Han. "Do you know how long I've been waiting for that shit?" Rome smiles at him as they bro hug.
"I told you he didn't see it," Han says as he looks at Brian, who looks between Rome and Han confused.
"Your man right there?" Rome says as he motions to Dom. "He let off the throttle at the line. You didn't do nothing. He let you win."
"Bullshit," Brian says as Rome and Han start to walk away, causing him to frown.

"You sure about this?" Dom asks as they get out of the car.
"Yeah. The last place they'll check, their own impound yard. Trust me," Brian says with a smile. "You know, I've been thinking. When you blew up your car back there, you blew up mine, too."
"Yeah?" Dom asks.
"Yeah. So now you owe me a 10-second car," Brian tells him.

Brian and Mia are walking along the beach before they stop to kiss. They walk back up to the house as they hear an engine before seeing a challenger. Dom and Nat get out of the challenger before Dom grabs Nat's hand. They walk over to Mia and Brian, who have smiles on their faces.

Nat stands in front of Dom as they hold onto the back of the truck they are riding on. The driver starts driving beside the train before Dom and the other guys cut into the side of the train with torches. The side rips off due to the speed before Nat stands beside Dom. Nat smiles as she sees Brian and Mia waiting inside.

"They're going to be looking for the four of us together now," Dom says as they exit the tunnel. "We need to split up. You, Nat, and Mia head south, I'll lead them away."
"No," Nat says as she shakes her head.
"Dom is right," Brian says as he looks at Nat.
"I agree with Nat," Mia says causing Brian to look at her.
"Look how lucky we just got. What happens next time? We have no choice but to split up," Brian tells her.
"I'm pregnant," Mia says causing Brian and Dom to freeze while Nat smiles. Mia looks between Brian, Nat, and Dom. "I already lost my family once. I'm not going through that again."
"Are you kidding me?" Brian asks as he grabs Mia's arm.
"No," Mia answers him with a smile before he kisses her then hugs her.
"I'm not going anywhere. Okay?" Brian tells her causing her to smile.
"Me either," Nat says as she hugs Mia. "Dom? Promise me we stick together."
"I promise," Dom tells her before walking over and pulling all three of them in a hug. "Our family just got bigger." Dom places a kiss on Nat's temple causing her to smile up at him.

"Everyone's looking for you," Brian says as he walks into the garage.
"I'm right here," Dom tells him.
"It's nice to see you've gone with the times and switched to electronic fuel injection. Looks good," Brian says as he looks at the car.
"Buster became a gear head," Dom says with a smile, causing Brian to shrug.

"Dom, what are you doing?" Mia asks shocked. "You reached first, you have to say grace." Nat smiles as Dom takes a drink while Mia and Brian fold their hands.
"Thank you, Lord, for blessing this table..." Dom starts and doesn't seem as if he would continue.
"With food, family, and friendship," Mia finishes with a smile on her face.

"Toast!" Everyone gathers around as Brian hugs Mia from behind. Dom wraps an arm around Nat causing her to smile up at him. "Money will come and go. We know that. But the most important thing in life will always be the people in this room. Right here. Right now. Salude, mi familia."
"Salude," Everyone says as they all touch their beers together before Dom and Nat kiss.

Brian and Dom both take off from the four way stop. They look at each other and smile before they each take a different path at the fork in the road. Nat watches her brother drive away with a smile on her face as she thinks:

"No matter where you are, whether it's a quarter-mile away or halfway across the world. You'll always be with me. And you'll always be my brother."


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