A Different Kind of Love Chapter 13

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  Touching Irish soil again was not a 'home sweet home' type of feel, more like a 'why did I let you go?' type of feel. Sitting on that plane ready to take of, I felt a sense of regret; how could I let him go? If you're wondering who 'him' is then you must be new. Him is my utterly perfect best friend, who is now going on the X-Factor. Who knows if I'll ever see him again, and if I do; will he be the same? Those are the questions I asked myself the entire flight from the U.K to Ireland. I'm still asking them now as I wait for my parents to pick me up.


   It is almost November and X-Factor premiered over a month ago. Watching all the boys auditions made me smile, how their voices seemed so amazing and how I couldn't wait to see them together. Now we are currently at the live shows. The boys started off with 'Viva la Vida' and let me just say, Niall was priceless; the way he moved with the song, with that cheeky smile of his plastered on the entire time. I  ended up turning it off after the judges reviewed them. It's not like I didn't want to see the other competion; I just feel as though I can't continue to watch it. 

    After every live show I've gone up to my room. Not watching the other acts, not giving a care. I want to support the boys, I truly do. I just find it hard to watch Niall and knowing he is having the time of his life; without me. We had so many plans, we wanted to travel to America, to go to the amazing cities: New York, Chicago, LA. I find those plans vanishing infront of me, it's good that Niall is on the show, he has always wanted this, but why do I feel so angry. I find myself thinking 'Niall shouldn't be doing this.' , but why? Why can't I just be happy for him. I hate being so selfish, it makes me feel like a shitty type of person.

    School is the same, everyone is talking about Niall now. How they never knew he had a voice, and how the other acts suck compared to One Direction. Pretty much everyone watches every week, we even have a poll posted all around the school, updating the students on how well the boys are doing. Oh and Chrissy, well since she is a bitch she claims that her and Niall are deeply in love, and brags about it to the whole school how they've known each other for years and always had those feelings. I just tend to ignore. Nobody seems to come up to me though, as if I was never his best friend, like I never existed in the world of Niall Horan. I'm just going though the hallways unnoticed. I guess I prefer it that way.

    I got home from school taking my shoes off on our matt, and throwing my bag on a kitchen chair. I stomped up to my room and crashed into my unmade bed. I sighed as I noticed how sad my life is. I'm  not hanging out with anyone, I feel as though I have no friends, my parents have been unusually quiet lately and I barely get a text from Niall. 

   Niall tends to send me texts on how things are going, but they aren't long heartfelt conversations. They usually end with 'I'm sorry Annie but  I have to go.. talk to ya later?' The other boys text me more then he does, Harry the most. Harry and I have actually gotten really close, we talk for hours, even sometimes on the phone. He seems to put a smile on my face at times when I need it the most.

   I felt a slight buzz in my pocket. I slid out my old flip phone that Niall and I got together years ago. Its small screen in the front flashing indicating a text. I slid my thumb underneath the opening and fliped it open. 

        Text from :  Harry :)

        Harry :) : ANNIIEEEEE!!!! So tonight we have time before our show to relax and take a break, so.. want to skype?

 My heart jumped. I can finally talk to the boys.. more specifically Niall. I responded hastily.

 To: Harry :)

 Me : I'd love too :-)

  I sent the message and then quickly got up and ran to my closet, I opened it up to see all my clothes scattered around. Some on the floor, or hanging messily on hangers. God. I wanted to find something nice that I could wear to make it seem like that Im as blissful as he saw me three months ago. I don't want Niall to know how unhappy I am, and how much I miss him. I pulled up a beanie, and Beatles tee, and skinny jeans. Perfect. I took off my current clothes and kicked them aside with my feet. I turned to the right to look at my reflection in the mirrior... oh my. It truly did look like I was from a Tim Burten movie. I had huge purple bags underneath my eyes, red all around my face. I found my makeup bag that I never unpacked from my trip to England, and ran to the bathroom. I applied mascara, and some coverup.

  My hair was a whole other problem, it was dry and raggy. I look like an wet dog. I brushed it, wincing everytime the small pricks of my brush hit a tangle. I then threw it in a messy bun that looked suitable for this occasion. I smiled at my reflection, I look somewhat happy. Well it looks like I take care of myself.

  I opened the door of the bathroom and turned to walk to the other end of the hall to my bedroom. As I was walking a door behind me creeked open, I turned to see my beautiful Mother poking her head out; she saw me and her eyes grew wide "Darling, may we speak with you for a moment?" I nodded and entered into my parents cozy bedroom. My Dad who was once relaxing and watching the telly turned it off and sat up. My perents looked serious, I felt my stomach become a knott, my heartbeat becoming even more rapid. I sat down on the edge of the bed facing my parents. My Mum took a deep breath, "Your Father has something to tell you." Her eyes meeting my Fathers, she nodded for him to continue, "Annie I know I've been busy lately, and I'm coming home later and later." I nodded. This was true, my Dad came home late almost everynight, drained from work, we barely see each other. "Well I haven't been at work. You see I've been at the doctors." His face tightend. The doctors? Why the hell would be at the doctors, he seems very healthy to me. "A couple of months ago the doctor found a tumor. I didn't tell you because it was so miniscule and the doctor said I just needed to have surgery and it would be fine. I had the sugery when you were in England, everything went smoothly. As far as everyone knew the tumor was gone, I went for a check up just to see how I was doing and another tumor turned up. This one is different, it can't be removed." I sat there, in my parents room, the one place where I felt safe, now feeling as though I had just entered hell, "What does th-i-sss mee-aa-n..?" I asked, my voice quivering. "This means that I won't be livin' too much longer my dear." His face filled with sorrow, I know he didn't want to tell me this, I know he felt as though he couldn't bear it. My Mother broke into tears, my Father comforted her. I stared at them, my loving Father, who would do anything for us is now telling me he'll be leaving this earth soon.

  I tried to hold it back, the tears. I couldn't do it anymore, I let the warm tears fall down and ruin my fresh mascara, and also my life.



So this is probably the hardest chapter I've had to write... which pretty much sums up why I never seem to update.. hmmm. well yes that is pretty much why. I'm an awful person.. I know. I hope you like this chapter.. I hope you want to read more.

I always update my status.. so look back for updates from me (: And please read washed up? I would really love for people to read it! 

love you xx 

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2013 ⏰

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