The Start

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"Nn.. What happened?.." You mumbled as you opened your eyes slowly. Your eyes looked around the unfamiliar place, you were laying on a comfy bed and the room looked fancy and had sunflower decorations all around the place. Then something flashed in your mind. You widen your eyes as you remembered what happened before you got in this place.

You lived with your mother and your two younger siblings in a small village,
You and your family were peacefully eating lunch as usual until all of you heard screams outside. Your family including you freezed when you saw blood splashed in your window, realizing that the vampires had already invaded your small village.

" Y/n!, take your siblings with you and escape!" Your mother says while she grabbed a knife from the table. She trembled in fear but stayed strong so that she could protect you and your siblings. " W-what about you?.." You softly said with your voice shaking with your younger siblings behind you shaking in fear. " I'll catch to you guys later! For now just esca-" Before she could even finish her sentence the door banged open. A vampire appeared.

" Y/n! Run!-- The back door!" Your mother raised her voice turning her head to look at you, signalling you to run. You grabbed the wrists of your two siblings and started to ran to the backdoor. As you were close to the backdoor, you looked back then tears started to form in your eyes when you saw your mother already laying on the floor.. dead with the vampire drinking her blood.

You and your siblings got out from your house. The village was in chaos, and was filled with screams of terror. " We can't leave mom!!" The other younger sibling lets go of your hand and started to run back to the direction of your home. "Reiji! Don't leave us!" Said the other sibling as she ran to Reiji. "You two! Don't!" You chase after the two of them, Then they ran into a vampire. "B-big sis.." Mei and Reiji turn their head to you with tears streaming down their face before the vampire brutally killed them.

"Mei! Reiji!" You cried out as you fell to your knees. The vampire turned to your direction, You got up and started to run with tears freely leaving your eyes. You ran as fast as you could, you wanted to get away from this place, You ran and ran until you hit a dead end. " There's no running away now." The vampire said as he walks towards you with his fangs showing.

The vampire holds you up by the neck and starts sucking your blood. "S-stop! Let go!" You cried out in pain, Suddenly, You heard a voice from a distance.

" My my~ killing livestock wasn't part of the mission ya know?~" A man with Silver hair and Crimson red eyes said with a playful tone as he walks towards the vampire with his arms crossed. " Lord F-Ferid!?" The vampire's voice shaked as he lets go of your neck, dropping you to the ground, laying without any strength left.

" You do know what happens when you break the laws right?~" Ferid says with a smirk on his face. Ferid grabs the vampire by the neck then starts to choke him. You could hear the vampire cry out in pain and its bones cracking as you started to lose your consciousness but there was only one thing on your mind, your family. You thought about your family before passing out.


"Mother..Reiji..Mei..!" You sobbed as you felt sadness and regret.
The door suddenly opened, showing the silver-haired man from from before.
" Ah~ my my~ why are you crying?" Said the silver-head with a soft tone as he walks towards you with his hands on his hips.

" Why am I here?.. no wait.. It doesn't really matter anymore.. I'm going to die anyways.." You said as you looked down, you had already lost hope, you lost your home, friends, and your family, now you're in an unfamiliar place without knowing what will happen to you.

"Oh no no~ I won't harm you~" Said Ferid as he sat beside you, petting your head.
" W-what do you mean by that?.." You said as you looked at him with fear in your eyes. " Hmm? What I meant is that I won't cause any harm to you~ haha~" He lets out a chuckle. " Also, there's no need to be scared you know?~" he said with a somehow gentle smile.

But you still didn't feel safe, I mean who would trust someone you just met? Especially a vampire, so you asked him a question." What's gonna happen to me now-why am I--" Before you could ask any further questions, Ferid interrupted you. " Now now, you ask too much questions, how about I ask this time?" He smiles at you. You nodded while still shaking.

" What is your name?" You got suprised by his random question, but still had no choice but to answer it so you told him your name.

His eyes widen when he heard your name and froze for a second before coming back to his senses. " I see.." Ferid says softly while ruffling you hair, leaving you confused. " U-uhm, excuse me, but why are you doing this-" before you could finish your sentence, Ferid gets up and suddenly changes the topic.

" Now come on~ come eat dinner with me downstairs!~" He said with a bright tone as he went to the door and opens it. " Oh, and by the way-" He said as he turns his head to your direction.

" My name is Ferid Bathory and from now on, I will be protecting you." He said before he closes the door.

Uwahh, This is my first time making a Fanfiction after a long LONG time ( Probably years ago lmao) so I don't know if this story is any good since this just suddenly popped into my mind and I started to write this TwT
I know this is probably crappy but this is what was on my stupid mind soooo had to make one.
Alsooo If you enjoyed this crappy FF, Thankk youuu soo much!(μ_μ)
Heree! Have some toast!💙

() 🍞💙

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