Blind Sided

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"No! You're not gonna give up on us. Dad, you're in very good caring hands of Dr. Philips. He pretty much tests you every hour to check up on you, and the tests are turning up negative."

I'm sitting on my knees on the floor next to daddy's hospital bed. My hands in his, praying to whatever god exists to give us a miracle to help him feel better; for him to be our daddy again. I guess you can say we were expecting this. He was pretty sick for about 3 months until my brother, Alex finally had enough and basically forced daddy to seek medical help. Momma died when I was 3 and my brother was 7, he was traumatized by her passing, I havn't seen him smile in quite a while.

She was driving to the Pharmacy one day and it was a total normal day and for some reason she stopped right in the middle of an intersection with the stop light green on both left and right of her, or so thats what Alex told me. Anyway, she was sitting there and supposedly a suicide driver was out that day, and basically collided with her.

Even though I don't remember much of her, I know that she loved us very much and would be here with our mourning for our daddy. I do believe in heaven and believe that momma is watching over us.

I look up as my daddy moves his head to look into my eyes which are puffy and full of tears after about a week of crying. His mouth opens and speaks so softly, you about have to put your ears against his mouth to hear him.

"Darlin, you should be happy."

I look at him confused. Then I lowered my voice like his and spoke.

"Happy? Why should I be happy about my only Dad giving up on hope?"

He slightly smiles.

"You should be happy because I will be reunited with your mother, and no matter what, you will always be my little girl no matter how old you are."

I have discretion on my face, I wanted to slap him and tell him how much he's gonna lose when he leaves, but instead I said, "But daddy, I can't bare the Handel on the fact that you will be gone, this strange sickness or disease is like in 92% of your blood stream, I just can't let you go...I'm not ready."

Tears stream down my face, I can feel my eyes burning and I can also feel Alex's glare at me from across the room, he hasn't spoken as little as 3 words to me since daddy was here, or rather since daddy's disease has been spreading. Hope is all we've got and Alex has the nerve to not shed a tear and force the overwhelming emotions on me. I look at him and with my voice cracking I said, "Why are you just sitting there, tell him you miss him! Tell him how much you love him, damn it like show some kind of empathy!"

He said nothing, just stared at me like I wasn't even talking to him. At this point I was practically shouting. "Alex! Do it! Tell him, tell him you'll miss him! Tell him how much you will lose without him." This, this stubborness is what caused such a negative gap between us, nothing to say to each other without an unwelcomed silence.

Warm tears dripped from my eyes wondering if this would end. I felt my daddy take his ice cold hands away from mine, I looked up at him. He was smiling at me, the last smile I'll ever see from him, I returned the favor knowing its fake, but will be worth it.

Just then I hear gun shots so suddenly, I looked over my shoulder to find that the sound was coming from down the hall. I immediately fell to the floor to cover in protection. It sounded like a military base and we were in the heart of it. The shots lasted a few minutes.

Afterwards, I slowly rise up to check in on my daddy, he seemed fine, other than his nearby death. I reached his hand again. "I love you, daddy" I said with sincerity. That friendly smile formed on his face again. Then it faded as quickly as it had came, then his hand lost its grip. A long loud beep rang in my ear, I looked up, it was daddy's heart rate monitor.

No, no, it can't be, this can't happen! Alex ran over to the other side of the bed and tried to unplug it. This pissed me off. I grabbed his arm so firmly, I can almost feel his bone. He looked at me in a way that it put fear inside of me. I released my grip and said, "What the hell are you doing?!? You can't do this! He's gonna come back, just let Dr. Phillip check him out." He continued to try to find the outlet and he unplugged it. I glared at him in such a way that I have never before. I hear gunshots again, this time I got up from my knees and half way ran out the door; I looked to my right where the shots were coming from. This-this guy in a heavy military uniform was shooting patients at ransome.

This isn't right, you can't just shoot sick people! His, I asumed allies, was the shooting before. I saw the guy reload his hand gun and descretely walked into the nieghboring patient rooms and shooting them. I can't believe this, one by one, shot after shot. He was then in the room next to us, that's when I ran back inside our room.

"Alex! We have to get out of here! Its not safe, they are shooting sick people, if we don't move they will shoot us!". I heard the shot next door. I knew this was it. That its over. Alex grabbed my arm and pulled me into the bathroom and cut the light out and I closed the door. We stayed quiet. I feel myself in deep unsteady breaths.

I then hear heavy footsteps almost like chained boots. I hear him getting closer. I feel Alex's hand grip my arm, like I did to him moments ago. I closed my eyes with the agony of the pain of this man shooting my best friend, my DADDY. NO...he won't do this to him! I pulled my arm away from Alex's grip, it almost hurt. I opened the door, I can feel Alex running behind me. I ran to the guy and gripped my fingers around his gun, he struggled to get me to let go, but I will not, I will do whatever it takes for daddy to rest without descretions.

The guy released my grip and pushed me into the supply table that Dr. Phillip had left out, usually doctors are suppose to put them up so the patients don't overdose or some shit like that. But there's no time to talk about that. The scissors that were on the table had jabbed into my left arm, I lay there stunned. What now? I'm too weak. My head begins to get light, my vision gets blurry but the last thing I see is Alex coming up from behind the man, I hear a gunshot and everything went black.

A/N: I don't mind criticism so if you think I need to change anything, let me know ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2015 ⏰

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