Cross My Heart, Promise...

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Cross My Heart,  

Promise ... 

Fall in love is not accidentally, its Destiny.

By: Aljon Marbill A. Cruz


*Istefan - A Human who set out to save the Mulawin race. 

*Sarayah - A Mulawin that accidentally fall in love to Istefan. 

*Maya - Istefan's Best friend, an owl. 

*Akil - Father of Istefan. 

*Tawilisik - Father of Sarayah King of Mulawin before Dakila. 

*Kashtea - Queen of Encantadia.

*Encantado and Encantada - powerful creatures that lives in Encantadia.


*Severus - King of the Ravena before Ravenus. 

*Iverus - One of Ravena. 

What and where

*Mulawin - Race of good half human and half whiten bird. 

*Ravena - Race of bad half human and half red bird. 

*Avila - Kingdom of the Mulawin. 

*Halconia - Kingdom of the Ravena. 

* Yarrow - Medicinal plant that stop the flow of blood from wounds. 

1953 in the forest of Pugad lawin, there was a young man named Istefan. He didn't hunt any kind of Birds because for him, Birds are the most wonderful creature of God. His normal life is turn to an adventurous life when he met the mulawin Sarayah. This story is about how Mulawin fall in love to a Human. 

August 12 5:12 at noon. Istefan and Maya went to the forest to hunt some animals.  

"I feel so lucky today, I think I hunt something big ".Istefan said to Maya. 

"Krww krww."Maya said with (sound like not sure enough). 

He plant some trap like net trap and hole trap to hope that when he back, there was some animals are getting trapped from this. While he observing around the forest, He saw a Hart.  

"I found a Hart". murmur of Istefan to Maya. 

"Krww krww". Maya said (with agree sound). 

He picks his arrow at his back and inserts it in bow. He points the arrow-head to the body of Hart. He would have shot through it but it disturbed it in loud flaps of large birds like. The Hart run away from Istefan. He climbed the tree to find the source of loud flaps. He saw a wounded Mulawin being chased by four Ravena. He picks his arrow again at his back and inserts it in bow. He points the arrow to the back of one of the Ravenas. He shot it to his magical feather. The Ravena fall in forest and die faster.  

"Iverus". Shout of one of the Ravena. "He shot by a human". One of the Ravena said.  

"Find him and kill him". Said the leader of three Ravenas.  

The Two remaining Ravenas are following the order of their leader to find Istefan. Their leader is continued to hunt the wounded Mulawin. Istefan saw the two Ravenas getting closer from him. He jump from tree and run faster and he go to his planted traps. The one of two Ravenas are trapped by the net. Istefan pick two arrows and insert it to his bow. He shot the two Ravenas. He got shot the trapped one but he got miss to free one. He enter to the hole trap. He pick his knife and he wait to one remaining Ravena. The one remaining Ravena enter to a trap hole. Istefan surprise stabs the Ravena. The Ravenas blood fall to the right arm of Istefan. He left the trap hole to find the wounded Mulawin but he didn't know where she is. Maya fly away like it knows the location of the wounded Mulawin. Istefan follows Maya. Maya bring Istefan to a small cave. Istefan enter the cave and he saw the wounded Mulawin.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2013 ⏰

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