Katie Mcgrath~comic con

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(A:n- I've always wanted to go to comic con but never been so I'm doing this on an educated guess on what it is like)

You aren't a fan at all of superhero's from marvel or dc you just didn't see the point so you didn't watch anything related to it but your best friend y/bsf loves it and she dragged you to comic con cause she didn't want to go alone and as you are a loner she knew you would be free. So it is now day of 2 that you are at comic con and you hate it already
Y/bsf-Come on y/n the supergirl cast is here I want their autographs
U- you're killing me
Y/bsf- stop moaning and complaining you have been her for 2 minutes
U- exactly too damn long
Y/bsf- stop being dramatic and come on
She drags you where not many fans are surprising to her but you didn't really care, you go to Melissa, Nicole now you are at chyler
C- hey girls do you want an autograph
U- yes please you're the only one I know here
C- what? You haven't watched supergirl
U- not a fan of superhero's but I'm a fan of greys anatomy
C- good taste still
She signs a pop funko of her as Lexie Grey then signs a big supergirl poster for your best friend you both say thank you and continue watching them sign stuff and you declining cause you don't know who you are and finally you are with Katie McGrath
Y/bsf- omg hi it's so great to meet you
K- it's great to meet you too what would you like me to sign
Y/bsf- This poster please
K- of course
She signs it
K- would you like anything signed
U- I would but I don't know who you are
Y/bsf- y/n I explained who everyone is before we got here
U- sorry I only know Melissa from glee and chyler from greys
Y/bsf- you should be
K- well in that case hey I'm Katie
U- hey I'm y/n
K- beautiful name
U- yours too
She slightly blushes
K- so I'm guessing your friend dragged you here
U- from my bed yes
K- same here as much as I love my fans I really wanted to stay in bed
U- me too my comfort place
K- same
You both smile
K- well I can't let you go empty handed so here
She grabs a small supergirl poster with her infront and she signed something and wrote something else
U- thank you Katie it was lovely meeting you
K- likewise bye y/n
U- bye Katie
You and y/bsf leave
Y/bsf- you totally like her, wait what did she write
U- I don't know let's check
The poster- 'hey y/n this seems weird to write as you are right in front of me but I want to get you know you better cause you seem different (in a good way) so here's my number *********** text me or call me sometime ;)'
Y/bsf- omg you got her number
You smile
U- I guess I did
Y/bsf- come on we have most shops to go to and then we have the supergirl poll (talk thinking idk what it is called)
U- ok
While you where shopping you added Katie's number into your contacts and text her 'hey it's y/n, the girl who didn't know who you were' then it was time for the interview talk thing so you and y/bsf head to there and you get front row middle where Katie was right infront of you. You check your phone and it is a text from Katie 'hey y/n, I'm very happy that you didn't find it creepy that i gave you my number I don't usually do that... hope to see you at the interview thing I'll be looking for a friendly face xx' you smile you text her back 'I'm front row In front of you xx'
Y/bsf- who text you no one texts you
U- it was Katie
Y/bsf- you put her number in
U- yep
You look up from your and see Katie looking at you, you smile and wave and she does the same.
Interviwer- welcome the cast of supergirl!!
Everyone cheers
Interviewer- so I'm going to ask questions then the fans here will be able to ask come
Cast- yep ok
The interviewer asks some questions and the last one she asks Katie
Interviewer- so Katie some of the staff and cast said there was an interesting person here to see the cast but wasn't a fan of you have anything to say about that
K- yeh that was y/n very kind woman, she was dragged here by her bestfriend who's a fan, she only know Melissa from glee and chyler from greys anatomy she had no idea who the rest of us were
Interviewer- do you know where she is
K- right infront of me front row and next to her is her bestfriend y/bsf
Interviewer- so quick question to y/n
A microphone is handed to you
Interviewer- so why haven't you watched supergirl you already know 2 of the cast from previous projects
U- I love the actors and actresses but I'm not a big fan of superhero's it's pretty repetitive in my opinion hide secret identity, people feel betrayed when they find out, oh no bad guy the hero either wins the first round but in the end wins or sacrifices themselves
Interviewer- one way to put it so out of the cast who's your favourite
U- out of the ones who I have seen act I love Marley in glee but I ship Lexie and Sloan and prefer greys over glee but they are both great but out of all the cast that I have met today definitely Katie
Katie smiles at you
Interviewer- so moving on to other fans
A lot of fans ask questions but it's the last person and it's your bestfriend
Y/bsf- I know that some of you are married or in a committed relationship but would any one of you date a fan or someone that isn't a fan but kinda knows who you are
The single cast members answer then it's Katie
K- well they have to be near ish my age, if I do date a fan they can't always fangirl or fanboy over me cause it will be too much cause I want to be with a person who sees me for me and not me a famous actress so yes and no it depends who's the person
Interviewer- well put well this is the end of the poll please enjoy the rest of your time here
Everyone leaves, you and Y/bsf are walking, she wonders off and you get a text from Katie 'hey I hope I can steal you for a few hours, I want to hang out with you if you want just let me know xx' you text back 'hey, I'd love too, y/bsf ditched me and I'd prefer to be out of here... meet me at the back entrance in 5 minutes so you don't get seen is that ok? xx' then Katie texts back 'great see you in 5 <3xx' 'see you then <3 xx' you head to the back entrance and you see Katie and she hugs you
K- hey ready to go
U- yeh
You quickly text y/bsf that you are with Katie so she don't worry
U- so where are we going
K- well I hope you are hungry I know this discrete cafe I love so want to go there for lunch
U- sounds good
You are both hiding from paparazzi and you get to the cafe
U- This place is pretty and quaint
K- one of the reasons I love this place
Owner- ahh Katie you're back I've missed you
K- I've missed you too
Owner- who's this
K- my friend y/n
Owner- nice to meet you
U- likewise
Owner- lets get you both seated right this way
They seat you and give you both menus then leaves
U- can I ask you something
K- go ahead
U- why give me your number and want to hang out with me... not that I'm not flattered and don't want to hang out with you I'm just curious out of the thousands of people you've met during comic con why me?
K- to be honest with you I don't know I guess I saw something and I had a huge urge to make sure I got to know you
You smile
K- so why am I your favourite supergirl character
U- I've heard the backstory of Lena Luthor from my best friend and I find it quite similar to me also my best friend won't stop going on about you, she says that you're my type and keeps saying that she's— well you as the character are so hot and misunderstood then keeps mentioning the hot part every now and then and that you're so my type but I guess me being the hated sibling and not favoured kinda lead me for you to be my favourite character
K- you think I'm hot?
U- I'm-i—
You get flustered and can't combine a sentence, Katie smiles a bit that your flustered
K- anyway why are you having
U- there's that burger that sounds nice
K- that's my favourite here I'm going to have the same, it's to die for
U- I'll take your word for it
You spend a couple hours at the cafe eating and talking
K- so I don't want us hanging out to stop as we are leaving the cafe so I'm do you maybe want to come to...come to mine and watch a movie or something
U- sounds great I'd love to
K- Great!
She says that a bit too excitedly and you giggle at her response
K- I mean great ready to go
U- yeh
You smile and you get an Uber to her place, she pays much to your persistence to and you get into her apartment
U- wow you have a beautiful place
K- thank you, so what movie do you want to watch
U- I'm not fussed, it's your house you can choose
K- ok, you can go to the living room and I'll bring drinks and snacks
U- are you sure you don't need help
K- I can handle it thank you for offering
U- ok
You go to the living room and sit on the sofa then a couple minutes later Katie walks in with hot chocolate, popcorn and Pringles
K- is this ok
U- perfect
You both smile at each other then Katie sits next to you, not making you uncomfortable but it's closer than most people sit next to each other, Katie puts on a film and you lean your head on her shoulder, Katie smiles and grabs your hand
U- why this film
K- why do you not like i can change it if you want
U- no no I love this movie it's my favourite I'm just wondering how you know
K- lucky guess
You give her a look
K- ok I may of asked your bestfriend
U- sounds more like it but next time you can watch the film you want
K- so there's a next time
U- well—I-umm if you want to
K- of course I want to
You both smile and continue watching the film, it ends and Katie takes a deep breath
K- I'm gonna do something I may regret but if I don't do it now I'm never going to do it
U- do wha—
You get cut off by her lips pressing firmly on yours, it takes you a second to realise what's happening but you kiss back then she pulls away
K- I'm so so so sorry, you probably never want to see me again—
You kiss her
U- you have no reason to be sorry I loved the kiss and I really like you which is weird cause I never catch feelings
K- you like me?
U- of course I do who wouldn't
You both smile and she leans in for a kiss
K- do you want to go on a date with me tomorrow
U- I'd love too

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