• t r a i n s t a t i o n •

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as wilbur steps onto the train, ghostbur steps off of it. and as swiftly as it got there, the train had left, leaving ghostbur in this state of limbo.

ghostbur was alone. he had no recollection of what happened. although he was aware that something had happened, he wasn't quite sure what it was.

so there he was, ghostbur sat all alone on the train station waiting for someone to come back for him, but no one came.

he eventually remembered what had happened and became awfully distraught. that was until the train came back. and who had the train brought this time?



hey i know that this is like super short, but i was crying over this and felt like venting so i did this. also i might add more little one shots like these, but they probably won't relate to one another so yea:)

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