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Time flews....... It's being 3-4 months since Natasha was born and every day is a challenge! For Mew and Gulf but they are trying their best to be good parents. Gulf was fully recovered now.

" Mewwww diaperssss!!! " Shouted Gulf from their room. Mew ran towards gulf while holding diapers.

" Here baby *huff* " Said Mew while huffing. Mew was so tired as Natasha never let them sleep all night. Mew took Type with him and slept.

Natasha cried all night and Gulf and Mew try their best to handle her by carrying her in arms and give her everything which a baby needs at this crucial and especially sensitive one month.

But Mew's mom helped a lot to teach Mew how to handle a baby because she don't want Gulf to have so much load as he had at the time of Type. Mew's mom became more close to Gulf ....

Not because Gulf gave them grandchild, because she is blessed to see Mew happy and as a family man and she always worried for his future.

Mew's mom regret that at earlier days she always use to think that Puifai is the best but the thing is... Destiny has already written Gulf for Mew.

" Mewwww where is milk??? And make sure it should not be that warm! " Shouted gulf. Mew nodded and told Denmark for enough lukewarm milk which is perfect for Natasha.

Mew took the baby bottle and gave to Gulf. Gulf was holding Natasha in his laps and he was feeding milk to her. Natasha is a good baby.

Days gone like this........

" Baby....... Milk is ready. Type finish your meal. Don't left anything, I'm watching you! " Said Mew. Type nodded and ate all the veggies like a good boy. Gulf came with milk bottle in his hand and feed Natasha.

But at night she is nothing but a crying monster. Whenever Mew and Gulf try to sleep , she woke them up. Sometimes, Type himself started crying when he saw Natasha crying.

At night 1am, and she started singing her CRY MELODY and she literally can wake up the whole colony with that! Mew and Gulf was literally having sleepless night. They were very tired to handle Natasha and also type. Because type is also a kid and he needs attention too.

" Mewwwwww! Natasha is crying please make her stop crying naa please I'm feeding Type. " Said Gulf. Mew went to Natasha and changed her diaper and gave her a sponge bath.

One night....

Natasha was sleeping in baby bed and Type was sleeping in his bed. They both currently share common room as they are kids.

Gulf was sitting on a chair and making sure that both slept or not.
Suddenly from behind, Mew came and hugged Gulf from behind.

" They slept? " Asked Mew in a low tone. Gulf nodded. Mew turned around Gulf and they are now facing each other.

" Baby.... I was wondering, today babies slept early so..... Can... Can we.... You know....can we have a quickie!? " Asked Mew shamelessly. It wasn't the first time he is asking but the thing is they are not getting time for each other. Because they are so occupied in Natasha and Type.

" Nooooooo Mew. We can let them alone here. Natasha will cry and Type will as well so I have to be here! We will do later! " Said Gulf and turned towards Natasha and type who was sleeping soundly.

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