Chapter one The Night

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Luna sat in her room lying on her bed. She was getting inpatient waiting to raise the moon.
"Tiaaaaaaaaa!!! When are you gonna lower the sun?"
Celestia looked up from a book she was reading. "Soon sister. You can wait twenty minuets, can't you?"
"Okay.." Luna didn't even look at her sister.
"Luna, come here." Celestia said.
Luna got out of bed and walked over to her older sister.
"I'm reading a poem that I think you might enjoy. It's called 'Moonlit Night.' Do you want me to read it to you?"
Luna found a place to sit in her sister's bed. She rested her head on Celestia's knee.
Celestia cleared her throat.
Ten minuets went by. Luna hardly paid any mind to the poem. It was just words, how could anypony think it was 'art'?
Then that part came up..
"Children cry as beasts of their imaginations haunt their dreams. The night brings cries and screams to their minds as-"
"Luna, were you paying attention?"
"Yes I was!" Luna lied.  "Why would they say something as horrible as that about my night!? It's beautiful, is it not? How could those peasants judge a wonderful form of light?"
"I mean it!"
Celestia sighed. "Luna, calm down! It's just a poem!"
"You said it yourself! Poetry is a form of how ponies see things in the world! And...and...they think night is dangerous!!"
"Luna, a lot of ponies are scared of the dark. There's nothing wrong with that!"
"Says the pony everypony loves!"
Celestia gasped. "Luna! You can't control what ponies are scared of! They all have fears! It's not their fault your night frightens them!" Celestia paused, biting her lip.
".....You agree with them....Don't you...?"
"L-Luna wait.." Luna looked at the clock, it was time to raise the moon. She exited the room and sniffled. A tear rolling down her eye.
"...There's no point, I can't force them to adore me.."

Giving in to the dark. ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now