Chapter 1

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Marinette's POV

It's finally Monday, I'm the only one who likes Mondays but the reason I love Monday is because I finally get to see him after a long weekend. Leaving it behind this week is going to be pretty hard I guess, being ladybug and Marinette sometimes is really hard because I can't be completely honest with someone and I end up hurting my friends and even losing them. My best friend Alya says I'm obsessed with him and I don't blame her, when I was looking at the Adrien schedule i realized I was obsessed but I don't know why I find so hard to talk to him.. maybe because of his beautiful green eyes and soft blonde hair- but every time I try to talk to him like a normal person I get so red and can't talk, I also start to make some weird hands moves according to my friend Alya.

Third person
After school

Alya: so when are you going to ask him out for a date, you've been in love with him since the first day and you still can't talk to him without stuttering!

Marinette: What?! Are you crazy? How am I going to ask him out?! I'm so embarrassing sometimes and I haven't planned it out yet!

Alya: see? And you don't need to plan things out you just be yourself because girl if a guy doesn't like you for who you really are.. he ain't the one.

Marinette: Yeah.. you're right but I can't do that.. oh and right now hes at home, and his dad doesn't let him out

Alya: well it's Monday, you'll see him tomorrow and you can ask him

Marinette: I don't know.. I don't know if I can, I just can't do it, I get clumsier when I talk to him..

Alya: Just let it out, maybe close your eyes when talking? Imagine you're practicing!

Marinette: Maybe..

Alya: no maybes, tomorrow is the day!!

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