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So let's begin!!! 🤩


Next morning, Gulf woke up and got ready to go to work but, he was tensed. He was recalling Mew's words what he said last night to him....

" You will get the throwback for this tomorrow. Be ready for that. Gulf gulped. He was thinking like Mew is going to throw him out from the job just like he did with stacy. It was insulting. Type saw his papa tensed. He went to Gulf and hugged him.

" Papa is tensy tensy.... Who made papa tensy??? I will give them ponch (punch) like this dishh dooosh duush!!!! " Said Type while punching on air. Gulf bursted into laughter. He wonder how this little angel came to his life.

( A/N :- Why type is sooo cuteeeeee!! 😭😭😭)

Gulf pulled him close and showered him kisses. Type giggled. But type saw Gulf was sobbing.

" Papa why cry papa??? Type made papa cry?? Sholly papa.... Don't cry!! " Gulf shook his head.

" I'm not crying because of you my baby. I'm so happy that I have you. Type I know you will never understand this, but you are the reason why I'm living otherwise I would have killed myself. But because of you, I decide to live. And I m blessed. " Gulf said while sobbing. Type wiped his tears with his small hands and kissed him on his papa's cheeks.

" Type love papa thissssssss muchhhhh!!!! " Said type and Gulf nodded while caressing his son's hairs. Suddenly they both saw, a crybaby was looking at them, sobbing.

" Unclo miii..... Why cry??? Why all cry?? Type will cry too!! " Type said and ran to Mild.

" I'm just so happy to see you both I know you have suffered a lot Gulf. But type is like an angel who gives us happiness. " Said Mild and Gulf nodded. Type was looking at them confusingly because he was not getting what they saying, he is too small to understand what his papa went through.

" Mild, I m going for work. I'm getting late. Can you take type to playground?? " Asked Gulf.

" Of course....... My prince, ready to play on slides and seesaw with unclo mii?? " Type started jumping excitedly and they all left together.

After few minutes, Gulf reached Jongcheevat enterprises. He forgot what Mew said. He was feeling happy with the emotional he had with his son.

When Gulf entered he saw no one was there at their desks. He look at his watch. It was not that early. He was confused.

Where is everybody gone???

Suddenly an employee came to take some documents. Gulf immediately went to him.

" Hey hey... Umm where is everybody??? " Asked Gulf.

" Hello, everybody is at conference room. Sir Mew wants to announce something. So, he called us there. You also come. " Gulf nodded and thanked him for informing. And they went to conference.

At conference hall,

Every employee, leaders, other interns were there. Waiting for Mew. Gulf went to his group and wished greetings. Suddenly all went silent, when the CEO entered.

" Silence!!!! " Said Mew in a stern voice. The conference room went quiet.

" Well, Good morning Ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming here on my short notice. I gathered you all here because I have some news to share with my family. That's means you all. You all are like my family. You I would happy to announce that.... Our company had got a huge profit!!!! And it's all because of your hard work. So give a round of applause for you. " Said Mew excitedly and everyone started clapping excitedly and shouting!!

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