Love in an elevator

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There is usually no one in this part of the building. Only some charwoman walked up and down the long hallway and cleaned everything she saw. It was the top floor of a twenty-floor fashion company. This is the place, where the headmaster has his office - a large room with a glass-wall behind a long massive wooden table with an old-fashioned armchair in which a grey cat was sleeping. In the right corner of the room, there was a big white board, and lots of papers were fixed on it. In the other end of the room, there was a wall, on which hang tens of differend posters and photos and in the middle of it was a big black-white poster of Jimi Hendrix. On the floor were placed a few guitars and one big marshall amp.

Steven had this room fixed in his head and he wasn't even the headmaster. He steppen out of the elevator and walked throuh the peopleless hallway direction to the office. Again. When he walked here the first time, he was scared. It was the biggest punishment to go to the headmaster. Always, when anyone did something bad, they had to go here. But no one ever dare to do something like that. Expect Steven.

He knocked on the headmaster's door. His name was Joe. Joe Perry. Long dark hair, nose like and eagle and always angry look. He was strickt, but righteous.

A quiet Come in! responsed from behind the door and Steven opened it. Joe was modifying some papers on the white board. When he heared how the door closed, he said without even looking up from his work:

"You again?"

"Yes." Steven answered simply with a smirk on his face and walked to the big table. He picked up Joe's cat from the armchair waking it up and placed it on the ground. The cat made an angry Meow! noice and turned to Steven. He just laughed and tryed to imitate the cat's angry scream. Miracle that the cat didn't get a heart attack. Then he sat down in the armchair and set his feet on the table.

"So," Joe continued. "what did you today?"

"Expect of designing new clothes, I builded a gigant tower from pencils and pens and when the manager walked in, it fell down right onto him." Steven said that with a indifferent voice and opened a random drawer in the table. He pulled a bottle of some expensive whiskey out of it and smiled like a child, who just got an ice cream. Joe finally turned from the board and looked at Steven, who was drinking the liquid right from the bottle. He rolled his eyes, and walked closer to Steven.

"You are here for the forth time this week, and it's only Wednesday." he slapped his hands on the table making the whiskey stuck in Steven's throat. "At first you locked the front door and told everyone it's Saturday, then you painted that big pentagram in the middle of the cafeteria and you called out the Satan! I still don't know how did you do that, but when I walked in, a knife raised from the table, and flied in my direction. It could kill me!!!"

"But it didn't. You have to admit, it was fun. Especialy the flying knifes!"

Joe was losing his patience. He bent over the table and grabed Steven by the colar of his T-shirt. In contrast with Joe, Steven was calm. They both knew, that Joe just can't throw him out from the company. He was actualy the best employee. They won a lot of prices thanks to him. Joe tighted his grip, but then he let Steven go. He walked to the big window and crossed his hands on his chest.

"Why are you doing that?" he asked. No response. Suddenly a loud Meow! was heared and Joe sharply turned around only to see Steven pulling the grey cat by it's tail.

"TYLER! WHAT THE FUCK?! LET HIM BE!" Joe yelled and ran to his cat to save it from Steven's ruthless hands. "I wonder what will you do next." he said desperately and cuddled his little cat. "Set the world on fire?"

"Oh, I wanted to do something less brutal, but this is a great idea! Thanks." Steven said for fun and Joe just rolled his eyes again. He was sure that one day he will get a heart attack, because of Steven's stupid jokes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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