The Eyebrows Experiement

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Change your eyebrows. If they are thin or faint, fill them in and make them thick and bold. If they are naturally bold cover them in concealer.

Look at your face in the mirror. The emphasis has changed. Your face-shape has re-balanced and other features have come to prominence. Whether you hate it or prefer it this way you are likely to feel self-conscious. Are you uncomfortable? It's time to go outside.

Don't touch your face. Your eyebrows might feel itchy but if you touch them you could smear them. They aren't really itchy. You want to rub them off because people will see that they're different, that you look weird. This isn't what you're supposed to look like.

Go to the most crowded place you can easily get to. A mall is perfect but a supermarket will do. You might catch your reflection in the glass doors or shiny displays but all you will look at it your forehead. You'd better buy something. You should act naturally. If your behaviour draws attention people will look at you. It's time to make your purchase. Does the sales assistant smile at you? Does she notice you at all?

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