i want some chicken nuggets

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Everyone wants to find their soulmate and spend the rest of their life with them. Xing thought love and relationships were a waste of time. But every time her eyes land on her inked wrist, she's reminded that sooner or later, she's bound to meet her soulmate. Each pair of soulmates are born with matching tattoos on their right wrist and it's a silent promise that they'll unite.

According to the legend, there was a group of friends, Orion, Neptune, Halo, and Isla, but there was no data on how many confidantes there were. They created this universe but if they wanted peace and harmony, they had to sacrifice the things they loved the most. They were told that if they find one another in their next lives, they can bring peace to their universe and make their greatest desires come true. The friends agreed. However, to them, the most valued thing is each other. To find one another, the friends decided to all mark their right wrists with the same design so they can find each other in their next life and that's how the legend of the tattoos was created and it is said to reunite soulmates from their previous lives.

It's the first day of high school and everyone was gathering in the school auditorium. The freshmen were going to be sorted into their classes based on their talents and strengths. Once everyone settled, the headmaster spoke into his microphone. "Can all our new students please come up to the stage?" he asked. Xing, a girl with circular glasses and an oversized purple sweater, looked around. Her purple, sometimes mistaken as dark blue, wavy waist-length hair was put in a high ponytail that swayed with every move of her head.

The students walked up to the stage and Xing followed. Once all the new students were on the stage with the headmaster, Xing could see that the majority of the students were wearing short sleeves. Possibly because they were all looking for their soulmates, and those who weren't wearing short sleeves had their sleeves rolled up. The only ones that had their wrists covered were a few teachers who most likely, already found their other halves, and herself. "Now that we have our new students here, let's introduce your teachers-," the headmaster started before he was interrupted by a student sitting in the crowd. "Look!" a boy in the crowd pointed at a few students on the stage. "Those three have the same symbol on their wrist!" he yelled.

Everyone gasped and turned to the three that were on the stage. It's common sense that a person could have only one soulmate so why were there three people with the same tattoo? People started yelling and checking others' wrists. Suddenly, three more students were pulled to the middle of the stage. "They have the same design as well!" another student yelled. Xing's arm was suddenly grabbed and her sleeve was folded up by an older student. "She has the same one too!" he shouted as he dragged Xing to the middle of the stage. Xing made eye contact with the six students that supposedly have the same tattoo as her. She felt a pull and she swore she'd seen their faces somewhere before. "This is a disease!" "get rid of them," the headmaster spoke in a venomous voice.

Xing and the other six looked at each other for a split second before all sprinting out of the auditorium and down the halls while being chased by the other students. Before they made it out of the school, a scream silenced the air. Xing suddenly felt her heart drop as she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. She whipped her head in the direction of the scream and saw a red-haired boy laying in a pool of his blood with a blade struck into him. Everyone froze. "No!" Xing cried. She ran over to his body and a girl with blue hair knelt beside him. "Eleodoro please wake up, "she pleaded while crying, "it's me Purnama, your girlfriend." Xing watched as Purnama slowly laid his dead body into her arms. Xing always thought that she didn't need a soulmate, but now, all she wishes is for the six people in front of her to be alright. Suddenly, a phoenix rose from Eleodoro's body. Memories started flashing through the seven soulmates' minds. Memories of them together, memories of making the universe, and memories of the phoenix.

Memories of the PhoenixTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang