A new friend?

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"Hello, Hello"

The loud speakers spoke disturbing the somewhat calm atmosphere. Everyone sat up, ears perked up some with their helmets still on.

"Welcome newcomers,"

"As you can tell from my first few words, you're not the first ones to board
a spaceship like this!" "I will explain the details once we reach our destination but meanwhile you all should get to know each other, signing off!"

Finally with that the room became silent once again, no one uttering a single word. After a few minutes, groups were already formed with laughter and joy spreading throughout the room.

If only everyone could be happy just like . . .

'Why the f*ck am I on this ship?' Thought Corpse, 'All I do is narrate creepy stories, well while I'm here might as well get a few minutes of sleep.'

"Ahahah are you serious Toast!" A girl known best as Rae said. There were at least nine people here including little Sykkuno, the outcast of the group. He was pretty much left out of almost everything including this conversation. He had his hopes up when Rae came to sit by him and started a conversation with him but that was shut down when the rest of the friend came along leaving him in the dust.

The ship had come to a subtle stop. Everyone on board was now up and alert except for Corpse, Sykkuno had been observing the person in the black suit for the last few minutes, guessing on what they probably looked like under the helmet. The big shuttle doors opened, beckoning us to go through so as everybody was getting up and leaving in their now formed friend groups Sykkuno's gaze once again landed on the black suited person, still sitting slouched on the shuttle seats.

"C'mon Sykkuno!" Rae yelled out. He looked back, she was smiling at him but before he could smile back at her she was led away by Lily to the others. Sykkuno sighed disappointed but soon turned back to the mysterious person to find them sitting up, Sy was frightened by this person now sitting up but nonetheless said, "The rest have left to main lobby, just wanted to l- let yo- you know,"

Out of embarrassment Sykkuno averted his gaze to the ground rather quickly.

'Oh god why did you stutter, they probably already hate me just lik-,' Sykkuno's thoughts were cut off when all of the sudden he heard a click noise and then he felt a hand plop down on his head ruffling his hair. He slowly looked up to be met with two different colored eyes, Sykkuno was astonished by this.

One could not explain how pretty the purple was on his right eye, as for the other it was a soft-toned brown complimenting his skin color and curly black hair that was eyebrow length. Sykkuno didn't even realize he was staring at the man in front of him for so long until a deep husky voice came into hearing.

"I'm Corpse, I assume your Sykkuno, right?"

"Oh yes, I'm Sykkuno, nice to meet you Corpse," said the brunette happily. He felt a sense of happiness, it reminds him of how much he misses being happy even in the bad times. Corpse chuckled and said, "We should get going the others are probably waiting for us,"

Sykkuno stood still thinking Corpse was going to walk off but much to his surprise Corpse went behind Sykkuno and started leading him to the lobby with both of his hands on Sy's shoulders. Sykkuno just let it happen, confused of why Corpse wasn't leaving him behind like the others did,



Thank you for reading, I can't believe I was originally making this into a one shot but was too long for a one shot let alone two parts but I'm happy I did this.

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