The poem

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What man dares gallop here so late through this abyss of fear?
The father 'tis, with his child so loved and dear;
He holds the boy fastely pinned under his arm
He holds him without a dread, he keeping him warm.

"My son, why do you see the need to hide?
"Look, fatherdear, the Erl-King is floating by our side!
Don't you see the Erl-King, with crown and with hundreds to wage?"
"My son, 'tis the death mist rising over the edge '!

"Oh, come, you dear child! oh come you with me!
many games I will play with thee
On my stage, floral secrets will unfold
My mother shall clothe you with robes of gold

"fatherheart, my fatherheart, how can't you hear?
The literate phrases that this Erl-King now expels into my youthful ear?"
"Be calm, beloved child, hear you the blowing tree cleaves?
It is the desperate wind that breathe through these deathful leaves."

"Come with me dear infant, why not come here?
My daughters shall tend to you with loving care
My daughters will always be there
They'll dance with ye', rock ye' to sleep, sing ye to sleep

"Fatherdear, fatherheart, how can't you see?
What the Erl-King and his beraised daughters have brought before me?
"My dear, my dear, I see it before me alright
'Tis the aged grey tree deceiving your sight."

"I care for you deaply, fear not death, I'm charmed by you dear boy!
And if you aren't willing, then force I'll use!
"Fatherdear, fatherdear, he kidnaps me fast
For surely the Erl-King will murder me at last."

The father now gallops, with terror struck
He holds in his arms the pale child;
He reaches his courtyard with turmoil thoughts and with hate-dread, -
The child in his arms finds he motionless, dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2015 ⏰

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