Dresses & Disasters

60 3 1

Adalia POV


Charlotte walked in front of us and gestured us to come follow. "Look, it's a dress shop!" She said.

"Should we go in?" Annabeth asked.

"Well, duh. It's a dress shop and it's not as busy as the mall probably is, so we can spend as much time as we want in here," Carina explained.

"Yay! This is going to be so much fun!" Charlotte shouted clearly excited about this.

I smiled and we went into the shop.


From the outside, the dress shop seemed small, but it was so much bigger on the inside.

There were rows and rows of different dresses. I was in shock by how large it was.

"It's like a Tardis," Lily whispered.

"Isn't that thing in Doctor Who?" I asked.

"Yeah. It's bigger on the inside," She said nodding.

We thought there weren't any customers, but there were multiple groups of girls scattered throughout the store.

We started looking for dresses. Lily and Charlotte took my hands and dragged me around the store.

Annabeth was the first one to find a dress that she liked. It was navy blue and had a white belt.

"What kind of dress are you looking for?" Charlotte asked me.

"I don't know. I don't really go shopping for dresses," I responded.

"Ugh. This might be harder than I thought," She thought out loud.

Thalia found a leather dress with a zipper at the front. It definitely suited her.

We walked around the store some more and I noticed Clarisse looking around for clothes. I grabbed a dark green shit dress thing (I don't know the right terminology for this stuff. Don't judge.) with a three quarter length sleeve and a collar.

"You should wear this," I showed her it. For a second, it looked like she liked the dress, but she covered it up well with a look of disgust.

"I don't wear dress," She stated.

"C'mon I know you secretly like it. You should wear this to the dance. It's not even that 'girly,'"I tried persuading her.

Finally, she sighed and said, "Fine, but I'm wearing legging and combat boots with this." She grabbed the dress out of my hands and I smiled.

Sara found a yellow dress with flowers at the top. Lily found a blue dress with a black bow at the waist and black lining the bottom. Charlotte found a light blue dress with purple and blue flowers scattering it.

The only one left was me.

"Adalia," Lily said, "Have you found a dress yet?"

"Nope. I haven't really tried that much though. I might not even be going to the dance anyway," I explained.

"I refuse. You are going to the dance. You persuaded me into wear a dress, so you have to go and we are find you a dress," Clarisse demanded.

"Fine. We can do that cliche montage thing in the movie wear we try out multiple dresses that suck and then someone find a dress that I actually like and we jump for joy and squeal because it's so perfect," I said with large amounts of sarcasm.

The hunt for my dress started and I just sat down on a chair and watched everyone, but Thalia, Clarisse, Annabeth and me lookng for a dress that I might like.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2015 ⏰

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