Monday, 23rd February 2015

49 3 16

I'm Crystal. Crystal Manningtree. This is my diary. It's not that I wanted to write one or anything, but my mum's forcing me to. She says I need a way to 'keep track of my thoughts and feelings',  but really, I bet she just thinks I'm a crazy child, completely out of control and she just wants to sneak a peek at how I'm feeling. I'm a tomboy by the way, so don't expect me to be all 'dear diary' this and 'dear diary' that. And I CERTAINLY won't be writing all of my 'secret crushes' or anything. Not that I have a secret crush, because I DON'T. I don't go to a normal school for normal kids. Mainly because I'm not a 'normal' kid. Neither is my best, and only friend, Anna Woods. We both have, as our parents and teachers call it 'slight issues'. We both go to a school for kids with 'issues'. I don't have mental problems, or a disorder or disability. Neither does Anna. We're both just very, very sensitive, and easily get upset in arguments, when things don't go our way, etc. But when we get upset like that, we don't just have a strop or something then apologise and forget about the whole thing five minutes later. We do very crazy, dramatic things, like kicking down doors, smashing windows, screaming, crying, punching people or things, etc. Only last year my mum said I wasn't allowed to get my ears pierced, so I screamed and punched her. I was crying so much mascara was streaming down my face, leaving ugly black smudges.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2015 ⏰

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