Reunion and the Doctor

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Grace finds herself entering the Jungle Car again, the first time since she found Hazel a year ago and recalls everything that led to where she was now.  With her number still so high, she knows she has a long way to go before getting off the train.  At that moment, Grace hears a familiar laughter, her heart leaping in her chest. She runs through the trees for a few moments before pushing through and finding Hazel yet again.  Joyful tears start to emerge, seeing Hazel after a whole year, believing she would probably never see her again.  Hazel looks up but Grace notices her smile had fell and Hazel seemed more concerned then joyous to see Grace.

Grace runs up to Hazel and has to stop herself from hugging her.  Grace then notices Hazel is not alone but standing next to a boy of fourteen with hair similar to that of Grace's old partner and friend, Simon.  The boy with unusual blue eyes wasn't to happy to see her either, he just crossed his arms and stepped behind Hazel.

Grace starts telling Hazel how sorry she is and how Grace had missed her and lived with the regret of hurting her. Hazel mentions that Amelia, introduced her to Coda, the Denizen Doctor and how he helps the Denizens of the Train.  Grace looks at Coda, who blushes at Hazel compliments. Before introducing herself where he stops blushing and reveals he already knew who she was, shifting his head away so he didn't have to look at her. Hazel tells Grace that they were just leaving to go the Medical Car, where she lives with Coda. Grace in an attempt to show how much she has changed asks,  to go along with them. Where Coda rudely says. "No, thanks"

Hazel, still caring for Grace. Despite everything that happened agrees but just until they reach the cart and tells Grace, Simon is not welcomed.  Grace nods and doesn't reveal that Simon, the one who killed Hazels old caretaker, Tuba was dead.

The first cart the three go to is an old western type car, where they have to ride horses to the door, which is done with ease. Hazel runs ahead toward the door, Grace asks Coda how he knew of her since she has never met him.  Coda points out that it is he, who has healed or dealt with the Denizens her and Simon had hurt since there time on the train and how he only agreed to let her come was because of Hazel.  Coda then states, he cares deeply for the girl, her and Simon had hurt and how it took her months to even show signs of healing.  Coda then warns if Grace hurts Hazel again, he will not hesitate to defend her.  Then saying he won't care if his number goes up because of it.

After leaving the Horse Riding Car, Coda looks out onto the wasteland and remembers fighting Simon, who had gone after him when Simon learned of the Denizen Doctor.  Coda manged to kick Simon in the face, which provoked Simon to wheel the "Null Lover" Coda luckily tackles Simon, knocking Simon off his feet before running in one of the cars.  Coda remembers how scared he was of being wheeled and how his fear turned into rage.

The three make their way through the Night Car, a car of unless night, where they decide to sleep there for the night.  Coda tells Hazel about navigating the stars and how the ancients used to sail only using the stars to guide them. Grace then catches Hazel, singing Tuba's lullaby in a whisper as she lays in her turtle shell when they try to sleep.  Coda curled up right next to the shell. Later, as the kids sleep Golems sneak up on the three as they try to sleep, Coda knowing the creatures of the train wakes up and alerts Grace and Hazel. Grace freezes as a Golem charges her, remembering Simon's death.  Coda saves Grace by pushing her out of the way, before grabbing Hazel's hand and running for the door. The three flee out of the cart, barely escaping the Golems.  Coda snaps at Grace for freezing, that her goal should of been trying to keep Hazel save. That if she truly cared about Hazel, then she wouldn't of frozen like that.  He goes onto say Hazel should be a reason to push past the fear and fight. Catching himself, Coda takes a deep breath and tells Grace, that they are different but they have one thing in common.  Coda then takes off the black gloves he had been wearing to reveal his number of 5000.  Coda goes onto say even though he would never harm another living being he breaks things on purpose just to keep his number high but not for the highest number like her Apex groups does but so he wouldn't be sent home. So he wouldn't have to go home to a family that was no longer there.

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